Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sofa King Amazing!!!

So Curtis and I went to meet store manager Ken Thrasher at the Brick last night. We were pretty shocked to see that he was normal and our age-ish... well more Curt's age, as I'm a whole 5 years younger...  But I digress. 

Anyways I got the deal of a lifetime!  Curtis and I sat on one of my selections while the guys were crunching numbers and came up with our own deals. Saying we won't accept anything under this, or if they come back with this amt I'm going to laugh in their faces...etc.  Well we totally wasted our time because they came back with a really solid offer, I'm basically getting both couches for the price of one and I think I'm actually making money off this.

Here's the dilemma though, because you know there gotta be a dilemma in all this... I had two couch selections. One is that Preston collection I posted a while back... I'll repost below, and the other is I think the Cindy Crawford Aqua couches that have been there for a while but I still really like them and they're mega comfortable. Curtis preffered them as well but last night I only had eyes for Preston and this morning I can't seem to figure out why I would purposefully miss the opportunity to own seafoam colored sofa's with the hub's approval?  Has my love for Preston skewed my perception? 

I have a few days where I can change my mind... I'm creating a voting botton on the side bar and leaving it in the hands of you 5 loyal readers and you, the German and Nordic peeps that keep google imaging Swing Kids and landing on my blog for some reason.   Chose wisely folks, the fate of my living room lies in your hands!



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