Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Addicted to Plastic
I'm only 20 minutes into this documentary but it's really good so far and free :)
Just hit the red button in the center, might have to try a couple of times :)
Just hit the red button in the center, might have to try a couple of times :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Scramble obsession!
So I've given up on completing Angry Bird's level 7 and moved on to this awesomeness... At first I thought it would improve my spelling, but now I realize that its messing it up. There are so many dumb words that are accepted in the game that you'd never use in real life but now they're part of my lexicon of retardedness.
In any case for a free App it's amazing. C-mac likes it too and we've had a good time challenging each other. I'm still in the lead with 79pts in 2 minutes using the 4x4 game. I'd also like to add that English is a second language for me (kinda) so 79pts is really more like 179pts!! hahah!!
In any case for a free App it's amazing. C-mac likes it too and we've had a good time challenging each other. I'm still in the lead with 79pts in 2 minutes using the 4x4 game. I'd also like to add that English is a second language for me (kinda) so 79pts is really more like 179pts!! hahah!!
No Go :(
We didn't win the tickets, but it's fine, I'm actually looking forward to not doing anythign tonight and just vegging out while watching Vampire Diaries. Damen, it's been way to long, you too Stephen.
In other news, this made me cry, at work, like a baby. So sweet.
In other news, this made me cry, at work, like a baby. So sweet.
Curtis might win 4 tickets to see Ozzy Osbourn TONIGHT!!!
Not that I'm his #1 fan but it would still be a blast :)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Shameless DOOL
Cheerios Anyone? Can't believe I used to watch this show... not saying I'm never going to watch it again, I suppose if I'm ever on mat leave this will be super appealing ;)
Friday, November 19, 2010
I lied...
I got a MacBook White instead!! Yayyyyyyy!!
I lurve this thing, and yes Curtis has the same one so it makes him infinitely cooler for having it first, but I don't care!! I'm finally converted to MAC and I think I may have converted my dad as well!!
I think I'm in denial that this thing is mine!! I feel like any moment someone is going to take this thing away and just like that I'm back to PC :(
Anyways, dad even though you don't read the blog, THANK YOU!! And mom I know you do check in from time to time so maybe you can show him!! xoxoxo
I lurve this thing, and yes Curtis has the same one so it makes him infinitely cooler for having it first, but I don't care!! I'm finally converted to MAC and I think I may have converted my dad as well!!
I think I'm in denial that this thing is mine!! I feel like any moment someone is going to take this thing away and just like that I'm back to PC :(
Anyways, dad even though you don't read the blog, THANK YOU!! And mom I know you do check in from time to time so maybe you can show him!! xoxoxo
Don't hate me but...
Imma a getting an iPad after work today!!
My dad is in town and deciced that I needed one since my computer has gone completly meshugener.
So being all excited this morning, Curtis and I have been exchanging emails and links for cool accessories , cases and skins etc. So that got me thinking, I'm a wicked awesome designer with mad MS Paint skillz, I should totally design my own, So I did...
(by the way I'm totally kidding about the wicked awesome part, these are just hilariously bad!)
My dad is in town and deciced that I needed one since my computer has gone completly meshugener.
So being all excited this morning, Curtis and I have been exchanging emails and links for cool accessories , cases and skins etc. So that got me thinking, I'm a wicked awesome designer with mad MS Paint skillz, I should totally design my own, So I did...
(by the way I'm totally kidding about the wicked awesome part, these are just hilariously bad!)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The world's best underwater photographs 2010
I love all of them, but these are a few of my faves from this link Curtis sent me:
These are so awesome... Harlequin Shrimp!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Your Daily Finny & Me
Mamma bear and baby bear reunited :)
He adamently refuses to look at a camera sometimes... what a diva.
He adamently refuses to look at a camera sometimes... what a diva.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A different kind of Swing

Check it out:
(stolen from this site: http://www.travellady.com/issues/July08/5137Swing.htm)
Johnnie Walker Swing is named for the distinctive bottle, in which an irregular bottom allows it to rock back and forth. It was created in 1932, blended specifically for trans-Atlantic travel, with the bottle being engineered to stay upright rather than crash onto the floor behind the bar on ships. The distinctive bottle has a convex base that allows it to rock back and forth when pushed or when the bar itself is moving around. It was Alexander II's last blend: it features a high proportion of Speyside malts, complemented by malts from the northern Highlands and Islay. It has no age declaration, this is not uncommon for the Johnnie Walker line of scotch whiskies.
A Christmas Hint?
Curtis just sent me this pic with no message... I know it's probably because he knew I would find it cute. But in a effort to send my message to the universe, I'm going to take it as a possible x-mas gift hint :)
Yes I jazzed it up a little with some pink.
Update: I was right, Curtis saw it on the Fido website and thought that I would think it cute... oh well.
Yes I jazzed it up a little with some pink.
Update: I was right, Curtis saw it on the Fido website and thought that I would think it cute... oh well.
6 degrees closer!!
I don't know what any of this means, but my bf just talked to Arsenio Hall :)
The Doctor Dre track "KUSH" got leaked to the public. Anybody heard it? Like it? (hope you are having a great day TWiends)
39 minutes ago via TweetDeck
@ArsenioOFFICIAL Nice mix of the classic Dre sound and the more contemporary joints. Nice to hear Snoop & Nate too.
6 minutes ago via web in reply to ArsenioOFFICIAL
(FYI) Dre says it's a gent' who SOUNDS like Nate. Not Nate. @Kerdis
3 minutes ago via TweetDeck
@Kerdis God Bless!
3 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to Kerdis
@ArsenioOFFICIAL Say whaa? I just got regulated. Lol
6 minutes ago via web in reply to ArsenioOFFICIAL
Hard core Hip Hop fans: Is Nate Dogg possibly sick ... or under the weather during DRE / "KUSH" recording secessions? Shout out to you NATE!
3 minutes ago via TweetDeck
The Doctor Dre track "KUSH" got leaked to the public. Anybody heard it? Like it? (hope you are having a great day TWiends)
39 minutes ago via TweetDeck
@ArsenioOFFICIAL Nice mix of the classic Dre sound and the more contemporary joints. Nice to hear Snoop & Nate too.
6 minutes ago via web in reply to ArsenioOFFICIAL
(FYI) Dre says it's a gent' who SOUNDS like Nate. Not Nate. @Kerdis
3 minutes ago via TweetDeck
@Kerdis God Bless!
3 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to Kerdis
@ArsenioOFFICIAL Say whaa? I just got regulated. Lol
6 minutes ago via web in reply to ArsenioOFFICIAL
Hard core Hip Hop fans: Is Nate Dogg possibly sick ... or under the weather during DRE / "KUSH" recording secessions? Shout out to you NATE!
3 minutes ago via TweetDeck
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
T-14 hrs
This is where I'll be!!
Okay, so maybe not at this resort exactly, or any resort for that matter... but chez mom and pops is pretty fancy and could be considered an all inclusive if you think about it!
Anyways, I'll be in the Caymans from Wednesday to Sunday so don't expect much blogging. But don't worry, I'll be right back to posting shiz on Monday and rubbing in how awesome my trip was ;)
Okay, so maybe not at this resort exactly, or any resort for that matter... but chez mom and pops is pretty fancy and could be considered an all inclusive if you think about it!
Anyways, I'll be in the Caymans from Wednesday to Sunday so don't expect much blogging. But don't worry, I'll be right back to posting shiz on Monday and rubbing in how awesome my trip was ;)
Swing Kids...Really?

So what is it people? I'm almost afraid to ask? Please don't tell me it's about swingers! I live next door to one, I don't need any more reminders.
Anyways I am dying of curiousity, so if it isn't anything illegal please comment and let me know what you were really looking for.
Friday, November 5, 2010
How not to get ready

Here's where in lies my dilemma. I have not figured out my press yet. Which means I will have two hours to get home, walk the sugar bear, try on a a shiz load of outfits, paint my nails, makeup and hair... It's doable, but here's what's really going to happen. I'll get home, see my dishes in the sink, decide that it's best that I do them now or else I won't enjoy myself at the show later, then after that I'll reward myself with a couple of minutes with my scramble iphone game, 30 minutes later Finny will remind me of his walk, I'll take him on the short route since I'm going to be running low on time, then I'll go home and panic, pick the dumbest outfit possible (ie usually something rediculously too warm or not warm enough) skip doing my nails, scrunch my hair because it's fast, and do most of my makeup in the car.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
This Just in.........I'm getting a new couch!!
I'll spare you the details but I spoke to the store manager yesterday and he was so embarassed that he said to please come in and make a reselection and not to worry, he will make sure I get a really good deal so I don't end up having to pay more for my new sofa.
Here's what I'm getting to replace them:
(ignore the lame throw cushions)
I'll spare you the details but I spoke to the store manager yesterday and he was so embarassed that he said to please come in and make a reselection and not to worry, he will make sure I get a really good deal so I don't end up having to pay more for my new sofa.
Here's what I'm getting to replace them:
(ignore the lame throw cushions)
Double Down Smack Down
Watch as Curtis enjoys his first, and sadly probably not his last Double Down from KFC.
Check the Finnestagator in pic #3, just DYING for a piece to fall on the floor.
Check the Finnestagator in pic #3, just DYING for a piece to fall on the floor.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Guess where I'm going?
♪ I don't know when, I don't know how,
but I know something starting right nowwwwwww ♪ ♪
One day I'll be part of this world:
but I know something starting right nowwwwwww ♪ ♪
One day I'll be part of this world:
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
I GIve Up!!
Guess who didn't show up Saturday? Dave! Good ol' trustworthy Dave. Instead I got a call from Gerry, the guy who came last week and is the reason why Dave has to come and fix the couch again. Gerry obviously not too thrilled that I called and complained about his work so he decided that he was too busy to come on Saturday.
You can imagine the fumes coming out of my head Saturday morning. Curtis came over and we went straight to the Brick. There was no way I was going to play phone tag with these idiots again and I wanted to see their faces while they spewed up the Bull Shit that they were no doubt going to deliver.
Then while showing her the pictures of the couch and how shizzy it looks she sees a picture of Finnegan, well sure enough: "OMG, Awwwwwwwwwwww what a cutie, what's his name?" Like what's MY name lady? I'm the person whose money you take every month... Can you FOCUS here?
Wellllll, Obviousllllllly, we have a Liar in Lincoln Park... haha jk, but has ANYONE called me to tell me if Dave is coming by tonight... Nope. So here we are again, and I'm seriously at a lost. Who do I complain to at this point? I think I might actually have an easier time going through Hilary Duff.
You can imagine the fumes coming out of my head Saturday morning. Curtis came over and we went straight to the Brick. There was no way I was going to play phone tag with these idiots again and I wanted to see their faces while they spewed up the Bull Shit that they were no doubt going to deliver.
I can't even begin to describe the pointlessness of trying to talk sense with these people. The one lady that I have been dealing with this whole time kept interrupting and changing the conversation to talk about herself. For instance I would mention that I spoke with someone the week before about the couch feeling like it was falling foward and her response is "Oh that was me, I remember you mentioning that, it's so weird the things I remember sometimes." Well no, actually, it's not weird, it's your job to remember or maybe even perhaps write down customer complaints!!?!?!?!!?!"?!?

So anyways after all that insanity, she tells me that she's just called Dave and left Dave a menssage to call her back ASAP and that she will call me ASAP to let me know if Dave can come Money (today).
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