Here are some of my faves I keep on the circuit:
and of course YOUTUBE!!
Curtis' recommendations for Dudes:
New to me thanks to Dan @ work:
New to me thanks to Lauryn @ work:
Friday, April 30, 2010
OlĂ ,
So I thought today would be the big reveal of my completed kitchen but no such luck. I still have over-aged men in my kitchen, coughing, mumbling and now baby talking to Finnegan. lol. They also told me that Finn came to the kitchen door yesterday and gave a little bark and walked over to his 'new bed' (its not new anymore but we still call it that). Anyways they eventually went to look and see what his problem was and turns out one of the guys had put his tool belt on his newbed and Finny was none too pleased about it. They took off the tool kit and he just jumped into bed, got comfy, and watched the men work. I can't tell you how proud of my little bear I am. Makes me feel like I can have strange men in my house all the time now...
Yahhhhhhhhh NO!
As for GS, worlds worst doggysitter... She took Finny when I didn't really need her to and then brought him back when she was actually supposed to take him. She didn't take him outside with her and Lacy which was the original penciled-in-the-planner plan. She took my dog, left him in her kitchen, with or without Lacy and left for her appointment. Then her disgusting boyfriend was trying to sleep so either she or he took Finnegan back to my house and just left him there. Here's a thought people, when you say you're going to do something for someone, actually do it. In the end I don't really care, the guys said he was very well behaved and Finny's home today and hopefully he's not bossing the guys around too much :s
Before I knew the sitch about her lack of babysitting skills, I did see her outside and went to thank her. Had I known how awkward she was going to be I'd have simply left a note... I felt like she:
A) read my blog and was plotting my death,
B) just found out that I'm a swinger and she's really not, or
C) She stole something from my house and I haven't noticed yet...
I'll keep you posted on that...
So I thought today would be the big reveal of my completed kitchen but no such luck. I still have over-aged men in my kitchen, coughing, mumbling and now baby talking to Finnegan. lol. They also told me that Finn came to the kitchen door yesterday and gave a little bark and walked over to his 'new bed' (its not new anymore but we still call it that). Anyways they eventually went to look and see what his problem was and turns out one of the guys had put his tool belt on his newbed and Finny was none too pleased about it. They took off the tool kit and he just jumped into bed, got comfy, and watched the men work. I can't tell you how proud of my little bear I am. Makes me feel like I can have strange men in my house all the time now...
Yahhhhhhhhh NO!
As for GS, worlds worst doggysitter... She took Finny when I didn't really need her to and then brought him back when she was actually supposed to take him. She didn't take him outside with her and Lacy which was the original penciled-in-the-planner plan. She took my dog, left him in her kitchen, with or without Lacy and left for her appointment. Then her disgusting boyfriend was trying to sleep so either she or he took Finnegan back to my house and just left him there. Here's a thought people, when you say you're going to do something for someone, actually do it. In the end I don't really care, the guys said he was very well behaved and Finny's home today and hopefully he's not bossing the guys around too much :s
Before I knew the sitch about her lack of babysitting skills, I did see her outside and went to thank her. Had I known how awkward she was going to be I'd have simply left a note... I felt like she:
A) read my blog and was plotting my death,
B) just found out that I'm a swinger and she's really not, or
C) She stole something from my house and I haven't noticed yet...
I'll keep you posted on that...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Josh's Mindhouse: Robo-Terrorists
Very funny, and I'm super jealous of their office chairs.
Alright, I'm off, going to see my brand spanking new kitchen!!
BTV's Side Boob Hour
Just a quick update on the kitchen and GS, who I may change the name to Beaver Tails. She came waltzing right in this morning to get Finnegan, made him pee himself on his new bed and then took him away from me. Okay, it didn't go down quite like that, but 1, she truly was not wearing a bra and it was not pretty, 2, she did make Finnegan pee, but lets face it, everyone makes Finny pee, and 3 she did invade my space and make me late for work.
She also told Richard yesterday that I'm an unfit dog mom. Well not in those words exactly, but she did tell him that Finnegan is too old for Piddle pads and that he should be able to hold it in until I get home. Says the person whose dog pissed and crapped in my kitchen, so if she wants to talk potty training, maybe she should look within before shooting her mouth off on what is and isn't appropriate for my dog. Finnegan prefers to do his biz outside, the piddle pads are there for him in case I'm not home at the exact same time every day, in which case the pee pads come in pretty damn handy. Maybe if I took 8 months off work for 'undisclosed' reasons like GS then I could walk my dog all the live long day... until then, the piddle pads stay.

As for the kitchen, it looked exactly the same when I was leaving this morning except for the 5 aged men walking around with pencils in their mouths speaking a mixture of Italian, French and smokers cough... so all in all, looks like things are going well.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Reason #641 Why I Moved Out
This is Curtis videothat he uploaded last night. BUT THIS IS NOT CURTIS' ROOM!!!
It's his very gross roommate's and he thankfully only has 5 days left of living with him.
Btw this is just a glimpse of what he's had to put up with. Unfortunately youtube doesn't have smellavision, or else you'd be privy to the nightly smell of burnt tuna and stale beer...
Heidi's Hills...
Okay, the title's lame, but it's all I got. So did everyone watch the season premiere of The Hills last night? Holy Heidi Ho... They must have taped the show minutes after her surgery because she does not even look human. I mean even when you see her nowaways it's not all that glamorous, but last night's episode was freakay. And I love how Heidi's big reveal was the focus of the show at first. Like lets not show her face until her mom see's it... why? So we can all collectively gasp?
Anyways I'll be the first to admit I've thought about it myself... a little shave off the ski jump here, a little boost to the boobs there, and maybe some lipo round the thighs... but if I woke up one day and didn't see the same face I've seen for the last 24 years... ughh fine, 29 years, I'd probably freak the eff out. So does Heidi wake up and say hello to herself by accident? She's literally unrecognizable from her original self.
In Bermuda Ave news... well there is none. Construction is on break until tomorrow morning. And since it was so cold outside last night with our retarded snow from hell, I didn't have any GS interactions, which is a kind of a godsend, but bad for the blog. I'm sure I'll have some interesting tid bits tomorrow as Lacy and Finnegan have an official, penciled in play date.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Why does jesus hate me?
Morning, welcome to day 2 of my hellish kitchen reno. Ok ok, it's not that bad, I'm sure people suffer through way worse, but I'm not big on suffering, soooo yah, not happy. Slept in today, yep until 7:20am, then came the door buzzer that Finnegan lurves and I'm pretty sure he peed a little while in my arms, actually for all I know he might have been spraying all over the place like a laser cat because I was sleep-walking to the door.

Anyways let me back track a little to last night. Richard and Carole invited me for BBQ in our newly fenced in yard since I don't really have a functioning kitchen anymore (and apparently won't until THURSDAY!!) So anyways my friend VĂ©ro came by and I'm so glad because now she's a second person to meet the GS.
She (GS) came by while we were eating and we realized how incredibly rude it was not to invite her, but we had 4 burgers and we were 4 people so do the math, we were in a pickle. In any case she had already eaten and just wanted to hang out. I can't really put into words the amount of awkwardness that was had by all, mainly because we know things that she doesn't know we know... so when she does her sexual innuendos (which is all the time) we're actually throwing up a bit inside our mouths but she thinks she's being really witty...not cool.

She also volunteered to watch Finny on Thursday when the bulk of the work in my kitchen is going to be happening and Richard has to work, which is really nice of her. But then she said ok, I'll put you in my planner. So in my head I'm thinking like this mental memory banks she calls 'planner'. Oh but No, she came knocking on my door after the BBQ with her leather bound planner and showed me the entry of "watch Finnegan". Like all she has to do is cross the hall, come in, pick him up and bring him down to the yard with her dog. You would think Finnegan's constant barking when all the kitchen kerfuffle is going on would be reminder enough, but nope she'll have to refer to her planner?!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Yayyyyy Mommy's Home
How do you get from excited happy to super annoyed in less than 30 seconds? The answer is dust my friends, not just any dust, but drywall dust.
While I appreciate the new kitchen I am getting for free, I do not however enjoy the dust all over my furniture and lamps. Here's what I came home to, and I know what you're thinking, how do we know it wasn't dusty before. Because it wasn't that's why:
While I appreciate the new kitchen I am getting for free, I do not however enjoy the dust all over my furniture and lamps. Here's what I came home to, and I know what you're thinking, how do we know it wasn't dusty before. Because it wasn't that's why:
Baby L-bo Tired!!
Who's baby L-bo? Me, I'm allowed to use baby talk when I've had under 8 hours of sleep. Despite my sleepiness I am very excited. Kitchen reno's started this 7am. Hence the tiredness. I'm sure I wouldn't feel so tired if I hadn't spent all day yesterday emptying all my cupboards. I used to pride myself on being somewhat minimalist, but holy crap, I have way too much shiz and I don' see myself not buying more kitchen shiz in the future because I love that shiz!!
Anyways I'm too tired for creative banter right now! Check out the pics and I'll check in again a little later:
Anyways I'm too tired for creative banter right now! Check out the pics and I'll check in again a little later:
Yesterday 4pm-ish, feeling like the work would never end.
9pm, Curtis helping me with the stuff that requires tools :) isn't he handsome!?
Tah dah!!!
Snapped this pic real quick this morning before leaving for work, I hope that sink is going, because I was counting on a double sink going in like the GS got in hers.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Extreme Makeover Bermuda Ave Edition!
Hey y'all,
Hope you're having a fantabulous weekend so far. I am :) Just wanted to make a quick amendement to my ice cream post, and I can't believe I forgot about this person because she's my number one shopping partner, but Brigitte has suffered the same fate as Curtis when it comes to shopping and making a side stop at Laura Secord! So my sincerest apologies Brigie!! Just know that now when we shop we're guaranteed yummy ice cream! And to anyone else I may have missed, I'm sorry too, but you don't understand, this is a real disease with doctors and medicine and stuff... (You get 10 bonus friend pts if you know what movie that's from... Curtis you can't play) lol
Okay so here's some good news that I'm excited to share and I'll keep you updated in real time as it's going along... I'm getting my new kitchen on Monday!! So my weekend is going to be busy with me emptying my kitchen but I totally don't mind. It's so hideous and I tried to get in entered in the IKEA any room can be beautiful contest but had some troubles with my entry form, but just know I totally would have won because it's that bad! In anycase it doesn't matter because I am getting a new ktichen for free anyways!
Here's some pics of my apartment before I moved in and removed all the carpets and living room molding. What you're about to see may not be suitable for all ages, Viewer discretion is advised.
I'll post the after shots once my kitchen is all finito so you can see the transformation :)

Okay so here's some good news that I'm excited to share and I'll keep you updated in real time as it's going along... I'm getting my new kitchen on Monday!! So my weekend is going to be busy with me emptying my kitchen but I totally don't mind. It's so hideous and I tried to get in entered in the IKEA any room can be beautiful contest but had some troubles with my entry form, but just know I totally would have won because it's that bad! In anycase it doesn't matter because I am getting a new ktichen for free anyways!
Here's some pics of my apartment before I moved in and removed all the carpets and living room molding. What you're about to see may not be suitable for all ages, Viewer discretion is advised.
I'll post the after shots once my kitchen is all finito so you can see the transformation :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
New emEclipse/em Trailer!!!
New emEclipse/em Trailer!!!
I don't know why it is, but every time I see a trailer for a new Twilight movie I get all shivery with excitement, then when it actually comes down to watching it, I get chills, but the douch-chill kind. Anyways I ripped this off Perez and I'm sure you'll see it there before reading it here but I wanted to share my thoughts. Also this makes it my first 2 posts for one day...
♪♪ Celebrate! ♪♪
I don't know why it is, but every time I see a trailer for a new Twilight movie I get all shivery with excitement, then when it actually comes down to watching it, I get chills, but the douch-chill kind. Anyways I ripped this off Perez and I'm sure you'll see it there before reading it here but I wanted to share my thoughts. Also this makes it my first 2 posts for one day...
♪♪ Celebrate! ♪♪
Hello fans, (totally kidding!)
Today is a day that will live in non-infamy, so just famy I guess? Weird, but whatevs, you know what I mean, today is an awesome day and April 23 shall be one of my favorite days for years to come. Why you ask? Well, let me tell you...
A few years ago, some of you, my friends mainly, might remember my slight weight gain due to a certain favorite Peanut Butter chocolate ice cream. Then after only a few short months together it was discontinued, so I flipped a switch and emailed Laura Secord and asked wtf gives? Next thing I knew, it was back. But then because I knew Laura Secord had the power to giveth and taketh away, I ate more than my fair share and continued to pack on the pudge. Then it was discontinued AGAIN 3 years ago, however no weight loss ensued as I was forced to find alternate food addictions in it's place (chocolate covered almonds mostly). Now here we are again, 5 years after my initial intro to this wonderlust concoction of Peanut Butter ribbons, and the new added bonus of Peanut Butter cups!! It is so effin disgustingly amazing,you absolutely have to try it, and keep eating it, so they can never take it away again!!! It has to become their new french crisp, or mint chip. They mess around way too much with their Peanut Butter blends and it has to STOP!! So I'm counting on all of you to help me out here... do you hear me my 5 readers?! lol
The most exciting part of all this is finally being able to share it with someone. Val came with me today, but I have been dragging Share Bear, Pat BĂ©dart, and other work colleagues to try this phantom ice cream for years. And of course there's Curtis, who has never been in a mall with me where I don't walk into the Laura Secord to check out the scene for this PB ice cream. Sometimes I cave and get my second favorite, which is super kid, this tantilizing blend of multi colored fruity ice cream. The polar opposit of PB and Chocolate, but that's the point, if I can't have the real deal, than I don't want something "similar", because it's not even close to being similar. Anyways Share, Pat and Curtis, maybe we can all get together and eat some PB ice cream, my treat, and you can tell me if it was worth the wait!? lol
Footnote: you might have noticed that I capitilize my "Peanut Butter". This isn't a typo, some of you have God, some poeple have Jesus, Allah, Xenu or Xanax , I simply have Peanut Butter, and now I have it in its ice cream form.
Today is a day that will live in non-infamy, so just famy I guess? Weird, but whatevs, you know what I mean, today is an awesome day and April 23 shall be one of my favorite days for years to come. Why you ask? Well, let me tell you...

Footnote: you might have noticed that I capitilize my "Peanut Butter". This isn't a typo, some of you have God, some poeple have Jesus, Allah, Xenu or Xanax , I simply have Peanut Butter, and now I have it in its ice cream form.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Things Jesus wants me to have, but hasn't gotten around to giving me yet...
I'm bored, and avoiding having to do anything productive for the rest of my day, so when this happens, which like never happens people that I work with, I tend to window shop and right click save into my girlie girl file. Oprah calls it a vision board, but mine is just an electronic version. And now it's in blog form for all to see, so this way I am REALLY sending my message to the universe!! And let me preemptively say that yes, I am well aware that these are all material posessions and of course I want world peace and a clean planet... crappppp! I just rememered its earth day... I'll post something else after about that, like a link or something, but now I'm too excited about things I want. Yay, things for me!!
So in no particular order, but maybe kinda:
So in no particular order, but maybe kinda:
A brother or sister for Finnegan, this little Samoyed will do just fine:
Zuca Carry All. A must have for all makeup artists.
Tacori Split Shank with 3/4 Pavé Diamonds and Basket Platinum with Princess Cut (Ethical) Diamond, you see, I care about the Earth:
Visit Bora Bora, you know that stupid power point email that goes around every year and every time you get it the person who sent it to you thinks you've never seen it before, eventhough it's been around since the beggining of the internet? So yah, I pretty much have to go now:
This Chair for my living room:
This Louis Ghost Philip Starck chair for my bedroom:
Oh and most of all, this Richcraft Terrace Home. Of course I want a mansion with 4 car garage etc... but I'm trying to be realisitic here people!
Yah, that's right, Bora Bora could happen!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Morning After
So I thought I'd feel better about this whole granny swinger neighbor today, and I did for a little while. But the more I think of it, and I can't seem to stop thinking of it, the more I get skeeved out. I realize I left out some of the intricate details that Richard so generously shared with me yesterday. So allow myself to elaborate a little lot. So R (that's Richard) was invited for a glass of vino, granny swinger, whom we'll call, GS, answered the door in a t-shirt and granny panties. So R went and sat on the couch and GS attempted to explain her lifestyle choices whilst pulling a half assed Sharon Stone Ă la Basic Instinct leg lift. And that's when she gave R the details about her little surprise party for the plenty of fish friends of hers. She's laying a big matress in the middle of the floor and when her 'friends' arrive they will have to deduce it for themselves what it's there for.
Also here are some other notable mentionables about GS: She didn't tell us she had 3 cats, one of her 2 boyfriends are always at the house, she wakes up at the crack of dawn and starts hammering pictures up, she's expecting her first grandchild due any minute now, her apt already smells of urine (as per Richard) and her best friend is one of Richards ex best friends.
Okay I got to get back to work...
P.S. I think the kitty litter pic is actually a cake that some weirdos think is a funny and apetizing treat.

Carole who also lives upstairs, and I brought our dogs to the dog park last night and had ourselves a good gab about it all. She's just as skeeved out as I am and she's way more mature than me so that leads me to believe that I'm not all that immature for blogging about it. ;)
So I'm figuring since my posts tend to be apartment related, I may as well dedicate it to my life on Bermuda Ave, which is far different from my life in good ol' Bermuda. I know I know, what a coincidence right......... wrong! I totally chose my apartment solely for the street it was on... and look where that got me, living above and next to sex crazed stoners!! lol haha. JK.
I love my little apt, and I love my two upstairs neighbors, and even the stoner kid isn't that bad, he's quiet and doesn't complain about me making too much noise. But I swear the street name isn't going to keep me around when the creepos start knocking on my door looking for GS and her giant mattress of love.
P.S. I think the kitty litter pic is actually a cake that some weirdos think is a funny and apetizing treat.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Keep your effin biscuits...

I am what some would call a little naïve when it comes to this stuff. I'm no square but this is def out of my league. And if it was just the fact that she, a 54 year old twice divorcé and her 31 year old boyfriend (who seems a tad slow) were swingers... well then I wouldn't mind so much. But it's the seedy details that she shared with Richard who then called me at work to tell me all about it is what is disgusting me the most. Like people some shiz is private!! This is not one of those things you boast about... am I right?
Anyways if you're on plenty of fish and you're invited to a party on May 22, prepare yourself for the shock of your life. She is planning on joining her swingers friends with her oblivious POF friends.
You've been warned.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Bloggers Block
I'm back!!
You can relax and breath easy, I haven't left you, I just had nothign interesting to write about. Well actually I still don't but whatever, deal with it!
Since my last post not too much has happened. My mom is still staying with me but leaves on Saturday morning so I've been busier than I normally would be and so hence the the lack of posting any updates.
So I don't know how this next thing hasn't gone completely twilight on us, but has anyone else read "The Hunger Games"? They friggin rock and they're apparently for teens...yet again. But they're not at all like twilight. I'll admit, before the movies came out I was a huge twi-hard fan, but R-Patz has ruined it for me and Edward is no longer affecting my relationship...
Anyways I'm on book 2 of the hunger games called "Catching Fire". They're by Suzanne Collins and she's a genius is all I can say. I've lost so much sleep from reading into the wee morning, and my nails look like shiz from bitting in anxious delight... As I mentioned they're for teens, but I find them too violent for under 14, however I'm not a parent so I don't really care. Apparently the last book comes out in August and I don't know if I can wait that long so if you know something I don't know, like it's really coming out in APRIL lets say, please let me know!
The only thing that can make me happier than these books becoming movies is probably my dream Tacori Split Shank Princess Cut 3/4 Platinum Pavé Ring or being given 100 puppies... just sayin Hollywood,forget vampires and wolves... it's all about Peeta, Gale and Katniss!
You can relax and breath easy, I haven't left you, I just had nothign interesting to write about. Well actually I still don't but whatever, deal with it!

Dudo downstairs that got arrested has been incognitus for weeks now, I haven't seen him since before his arrest which is pretty weird because we're just a small building of 6 apartments, it's kinda hard to evade each other. Gay Richard upstairs has bought a new couch, so we're all excited about that... No not really, but he keeps talking about it as though we should yah, yayyyyy. My new neighbor Cathy has started to move in slowly. She seems really nice and says she bakes homemade dog treats and will give me some, so naturally she's become my new favorite neighbor :) jk
Oh! Since my last post my boyfriend Curtis (and my only follower!) has come back from "our" trip to Vegas. My going didn't pan out as planned, but I think I may have gotten the better deal because: Curtis came back with a gorgeous Kate Spade hobo tote and matching wallet in a gorgeous deep blue with brocade KS signature print for me! I've used it once to go house shopping with my mom and now I'm preserving it because it's so prittay! I'd post a pic but it's no longer on the Kate spade website or Nordstroms...
Anyways I'm on book 2 of the hunger games called "Catching Fire". They're by Suzanne Collins and she's a genius is all I can say. I've lost so much sleep from reading into the wee morning, and my nails look like shiz from bitting in anxious delight... As I mentioned they're for teens, but I find them too violent for under 14, however I'm not a parent so I don't really care. Apparently the last book comes out in August and I don't know if I can wait that long so if you know something I don't know, like it's really coming out in APRIL lets say, please let me know!

Oh I guess I should mention that I went to Sephora today since this is supposed to be about makeup... I might change that, but anyways here's my Haul Blog: I bought Stila Kitten...and that's it! I've been using it for 10 yrs now and it's the best highlight all over lid color ever. It should be in everyone's makeup bag in my opinion.
Okay, I'm out, I'm at work and I've just been alerted that it's break time!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Best Day Ever!! Minus the breaking in my shoes...
Hey y'all,
Another fun and beautiful day in Ottawa. 26 degrees, amazing. Went shopping with my momz and she got me a new pantsuit :) I feel like a kid again and getting my new Easter Church outfit... which is funny because it's the only time we really went to church. I hope mom doesn't think we're going to mass tomorrow because of my new outfit? Only time will tell... lol, I'm pretty sure she knows it would take a little more than nice pants and jacket to get me to go!
So that suit might not get me to go to church but this next piece of good news might just make a believer outta me afterall. I've been wanting to purchase a Dinair Airbrush system for months now but haven't been able to save a single penny for it. So a little birdie (mom) told me that since my b-day is coming up that dad and her will contribute my little investimento! Hallelujah!! And by contribute I mean pay for the whole thing and some extra for anything else I need... I can't effin wait for this thing!! :)
What else, what else, oh dudo downstairs is back, he's actually been back since yesterday but very quiet. Turns out he was arrested for 'weed'. I don't know in what capacity, like possesion, distribution or what... but still lame, I'm pretty anti-drug but open to legalization, however until then, keep your nose clean and don't have the cops around my place all the time please...
Another fun and beautiful day in Ottawa. 26 degrees, amazing. Went shopping with my momz and she got me a new pantsuit :) I feel like a kid again and getting my new Easter Church outfit... which is funny because it's the only time we really went to church. I hope mom doesn't think we're going to mass tomorrow because of my new outfit? Only time will tell... lol, I'm pretty sure she knows it would take a little more than nice pants and jacket to get me to go!
So that suit might not get me to go to church but this next piece of good news might just make a believer outta me afterall. I've been wanting to purchase a Dinair Airbrush system for months now but haven't been able to save a single penny for it. So a little birdie (mom) told me that since my b-day is coming up that dad and her will contribute my little investimento! Hallelujah!! And by contribute I mean pay for the whole thing and some extra for anything else I need... I can't effin wait for this thing!! :)
What else, what else, oh dudo downstairs is back, he's actually been back since yesterday but very quiet. Turns out he was arrested for 'weed'. I don't know in what capacity, like possesion, distribution or what... but still lame, I'm pretty anti-drug but open to legalization, however until then, keep your nose clean and don't have the cops around my place all the time please...
In real time news... some kid just wiped out off his bike outside my apartment. Normally I wouldn't know but since all the windows are open I can hear him whaling like a crying cow... Is it bad that I waited for other neighbors to go to his aide? I mean I was JUST about to go, but I still hesistated... like do I bring the first aid kit with me? Because then that means that I'm agreeing to cleaning this kids knee, it's probably going to be gross, and he likely smells...etc. And in the time it took for me to think of all this 3 neighbors from houses all around me have come to help him and I'm back at my computer!! I know when they're your own all that stuff just apparently clicks and it's instant maternal instincts, but I really do worry sometimes that I don't have any at all... I have all my pet-ernal insticts, like I worry all the time for other people's pets. Are they as happy as my dog, are they being fed and walked regularily or do they get treats from time to time? So that counts for something right?
ttfn xo
Friday, April 2, 2010
WARNING~ Annoyingly chipper!!
Good morrow,
I'm in such a good mood! The weather is beyong amazing (25c in April!!) I just had some chocolate milk, a rare treat and my friend Brig just texted me to say that Sixteen Candles is playing.... what more could a girl ask for? Sun, chocolate and Matt Dillon! Forget Jersey Shore's GTL, I want SCM everyday!! Well we could alternate the M for J-Jude Law, or B-Bradley Cooper :) 
I just realized I set up this blog to be about makeup and my being a freelance makeup artist as a side job but haven't mentioned a thing about it... I haven't had any contracts in a little while but wedding season is coming up so I'll probably get back into the swing of things and be talking of nothing else! But in the meantime, let me just list some of my fave products I'm using right now:
Egyptian Magic: at night before bed. It's smells a little wonky but I wake up with the nicest skin I've ever seen myself with. I thought I would break out the first time I used it and somehow this jelly like concoction has staved off my usual time of the month breakouts. woo hoo!
Kojhati Delux Kajal: it's coal for your eyes and one of my besties whom I did her wedding makeup got me hooked on it ages ago, but recently I have been using it again. You can buy it at Asian markets, Halal grocery stores/ butcher shops, they sometimes sell Henna, and Kajal. It's dirt cheap, but it feels great on the eyes and it's the blackest black you can find. Lasts way longer than regular eyeliner. I love love love it, but be careful, they break easily :S

Anywho, those are my absolute faves right now. I'm off to be surrounded by puppies, yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
Still no news on the kid downstairs btw... it's getting kinda creepy.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Day 2, This is freakin hard!!!
How do people do this on a daily? I literally lost sleep last night worrying about what I was going to blog about today... and I have ZERO followers, I can't imagine what the likes of Perez and Tyler Durden feel like, and they have the added responsibility of giving us the latest celebretard news whilst being witty... I promised neither in my blog and still I have writers block.
I'm currently reading "The Berlin Diaries" of Marie "Missie" Vassiltchikov. It's sounds much fancier than it is, but still REALLY good. Anyways she wrote everyday while living in Nazi Germany and she just sounds so smart, so the added pressure of reading what an intelligent person writes about and what I'm dying to talk about makes me feel a little shallow... but whatevs...Here I go!
Did anyone else hear that rumor about SJP and her son had died and Mathew Broderick was in critical condition? My bf called me from his Vegas trip to see if it was true so I googled it and as you probably aleady know, No, it's not. But still pretty weird and elaborate for a fake story!
Oh in actual real world news, the kid that lives downstairs from me got arrested yesterday morning and none of us know why.... I know this makes me sound like I live in the ghetto, just know that I totally don't and that this is why it's so news worthy to me! I've never seen anyone I kinda know get arrested. Well i still didn't see it, Richard who lives upstairs saw it and called me while I was work 3 times until I was finally able to call him back. But still, I wonder why he got arrested? He's still not back either. So to us non criminals who watch too much Law & Order and CSI's we think it may be pretty serious. Can they keep you overnight if you smoke a little pot? Doubts'er. So have I been living over a rapist, murderer, stalker for the last 2 months?
Stay tuned non followers... stay tuned.
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