Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 2, This is freakin hard!!!

How do people do this on a daily? I literally lost sleep last night worrying about what I was going to blog about today... and I have ZERO followers, I can't imagine what the likes of Perez and Tyler Durden feel like, and they have the added responsibility of giving us the latest celebretard news whilst being witty... I promised neither in my blog and still I have writers block. 

I'm currently reading "The Berlin Diaries" of Marie "Missie" Vassiltchikov. It's sounds much fancier than it is, but still REALLY good. Anyways she wrote everyday while living in Nazi Germany and she just sounds so smart, so the added pressure of reading what an intelligent person writes about and what I'm dying to talk about makes me feel a little shallow... but whatevs...Here I go!

 Did anyone else hear that rumor about SJP and her son had died and Mathew Broderick was in critical condition?  My bf called me from his Vegas trip to see if it was true so I googled it and as you probably aleady know, No, it's not. But still pretty weird and elaborate for a fake story!

Oh in actual real world news, the kid that lives downstairs from me got arrested yesterday morning and none of us know why.... I know this makes me sound like I live in the ghetto, just know that I totally don't and that this is why it's so news worthy to me! I've never seen anyone I kinda know get arrested. Well i still didn't see it, Richard who lives upstairs saw it and called me while I was work 3 times until I was finally able to call him back.  But still, I wonder why he got arrested? He's still not back either. So to us non criminals who watch too much Law & Order and CSI's we think it may be pretty serious. Can they keep you overnight if you smoke a little pot?  Doubts'er.   So have I been living over a rapist, murderer, stalker for the last 2 months? 

Stay tuned non followers... stay tuned.  

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