So my friend Monika's husband has been on twitter for less than 24 hours and he's already found the worlds best video ever made, and now I share with you... it's a tear jerker you guys, I warned you:
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Becoming a little bit of a
So it started with Eric and Jason from True Blood, and then Don Drapper from Mad Men, moving on to Dexter, those two from Vampire Diaries and now even though I wasn't already becoming a little skanky with all my tv boyfriends I have The hottie Mr. Darcy from Pride and Predjudice Mathew MacFadyen and hottie Rufus Sewell from the Pillars of the Earth to drool about! Keep in mind the accents really help so there's a whole equation you're not seeing with these pics...
Mr Darcy, I mean Mathew MacFadyen...
♥ Rufusssss...just rolls of the tongue!
Ok, this guy isn't too bad looking either, but it's hard to get
into him because he plays a retard:
Yay Curtis!!
Congratulations to my Curtie Bear who went, fought and won against the evil coorporation that is Beaconhill Minto!
Last December they issued him a parking space and he used it for a week with no problems and then all of a sudden they decided to call the by law douches to give him a ticket? Then the next day they did it again. When Curtis went to inquire why, they said it was because he had to go back to his old spot but they didn't tell him and that's not their problem.
Anyways here we are now, 8 months later and even though it was annoying and long (for him) it was totally worth it. Both tickets were dissmissed and Minto loses a little more power. lol.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
BP's tree fell on my lawn - Roger Ebert's Journal
Curtis sent me this:
Click Link: BP's tree fell on my lawn - Roger Ebert's Journal
Click Link: BP's tree fell on my lawn - Roger Ebert's Journal
Thank You
Dearest GS,
Thank you for making them with yams,whole wheat flour and whatever secret ingredient that gives my dogs the shits.
Thank you because with everything else I had to do yesterday, my day would not have been complete without scrubbing Finnegan's accidents out of the one room that still has carpets.
Thank you for talking my ear off when I grudgingly came over to say thanks for the biscuits.
Thank you for not noticing I was balancing a heavy purse, bridesmaid dress and shoes, and that Finny was barking a storm inside, while you updated me on the health of your tomato and cucumber plants, I'm relieved to hear that they are doing better and that next year we can expect better results...
But most of all,
Thank you for opting to go bra-less when answering your door you beaver tailed weirdo....
Monday, July 26, 2010
Hey y'all,
Hope you all had a faboosh weekend like I did. Just got back from a cottage bachelorette party for my girl Roxy! (Who doesn't read the blog so I'm not going into detail about her!! lol. jk)
In anycase I had an awesome weekend with just the right amount of 'roughing it'...and that right amount is always no amount.
Finny is feeling a little under the weather these last few days, not sure what he ate, or what's bothering him but hopefully he'll be back to his usual hyper self soon... I'll keep ya's posted.
I can't believe I'm still at home right now and not circling the store for free taste testies!! But with Finny feeling sick and not having blogged in a little while, I am waiting until later this afternoon. I also have to repeat my mantra that I do not have to go retarded crazy in the store and leave with giant containers of kitty litter... I mean just because I don't have a cat doesn't mean it's not a great deal right? ;)
Hope you all had a faboosh weekend like I did. Just got back from a cottage bachelorette party for my girl Roxy! (Who doesn't read the blog so I'm not going into detail about her!! lol. jk)
In anycase I had an awesome weekend with just the right amount of 'roughing it'...and that right amount is always no amount.
Finny is feeling a little under the weather these last few days, not sure what he ate, or what's bothering him but hopefully he'll be back to his usual hyper self soon... I'll keep ya's posted.
So I have a little bit of an announcement to make, it is kind of a big deal, but when I got back yesterday, Curtis was waiting for me at the house with a little surprise. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but this is better than what I was thinking!! So I am happy to announce that I am now one of the newest members of COSTCO!! Yayyyy!!
Anywho, I'll be back with more shennanigans tomorrow... Have a great Monday everyone... Bahhahahahhahaha!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
♥ Happy Anniversary to Kimme & Brian ♥
If my math is correct 4 years ago these two love birds got married and I was there to celebrate the special day! We could sit here and reminisce about my barely fitting into my bridesmaid dress and having to take an aquasize class and some other means of weight loss, but we'll just forget that and remember what a gorgeous day it was in the end!! lol.
They now have the patootiest boy ever, Jake and live in Bermuda (not Bermuda Ave!) Hope Brian spoils you Kim!! Ie a certain Gucci purse you discreetly hinted to!! lol xoxo
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Why am I not surprised?
Curtis sent me this with the fitting subject title of "prepare to be depressed" and so I pass that same message on to you... Like for effin sakes, just tell people the truth. Whatever happened has happened, why are they trying to cover it up even further? People aren't stupid, they're going to see the shiz getting worse... Also people have a right to know and relocate to protect themselves, their families and hopefully thier fur families. As Mr. Simmons says, once a hurricane comes around they're going to have to evacuate the entire golf coast... so why wait until they only have a 3 day notice?
Memmmmmorieeeees ♪♫
Talking to Curtis' dad last night got me feeling homesick for my non-hometown and got me thinking that this time last year Curt and I were in New Waterford having a blast, running around going to weddings, visiting the Glenora Distillery and doing this: lol:
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Mad Men stars present their Top 20 sexy, scandalous quotes: Photo gallery
Season Premiere Sunday Night!!
Mad Men stars present their Top 20 sexy, scandalous quotes: Photo gallery
Mad Men stars present their Top 20 sexy, scandalous quotes: Photo gallery
Monday, July 19, 2010
Mel Gibson Isn't Just an Angry Narcissist
His tirades are the distilled violence, cruelty, and bigotry of right-wing Catholic ideology.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Monday, July 19, 2010, at 11:03 AM ET
Every time Mel Gibson unburdens himself of a tirade against Jews or "n______s" or uncooperative females, there are commentators on hand to create a mystery where none exists. When he produced The Passion of the Christ, which lovingly and in detail recycled the bloody myth that all Jews are historically and collectively responsible for the murder of Jesus, it was argued by many mainstream Christians that his zeal for the faith might be a touch lurid but that the film itself was mainly devotional. When he was arrested on the Malibu freeway and screamed abuse at a police officer to the effect that Jews were responsible for all the wars in the world, pundits convened on page and screen to speculate whether our Mel had too much to drink that evening. Not long ago, I watched him go completely bug-eyed on television at a Jewish interviewer who asked him about the latter incident. "You've got a dog in this fight, haven't you?" he hissed. And now, in the wake of a Niagara of cloacal abuse directed at the mother of his youngest child, in which we were spared nothing by way of obscenity and menace and nothing by way of paranoid and sexualized racism, there have been those who diagnose Gibson's problem as a lack of anger management skills, combined perhaps with a touch of narcissistic personality disorder.
This schismatic crackpot sect is headed by Mel Gibson's father, Hutton Gibson, a nutty autodidact with a sideline in Holocaust denial. During the controversy over The Passion of the Christ, Gibson junior said that he had never heard anything but the truth from his father. I have some of old man Gibson's books on my shelf, including his self-published classics Is the Pope Catholic? and The Enemy Is Still Here!, which essentially accuse the current papacy of doing the work of the Antichrist. My favorite sample of his prose style is the following: "Our 'civilization' tolerates open sodomy and condones murder of the unborn, but shrinks in horror from burning incorrigible heretics—essentially a charitable act." He attacks the late Pope John Paul II for having said, in one of his "outreaches" to the Jewish people, "You are our predilect brothers and, in a certain way, one could say our oldest brothers." Hutton Gibson's comment? "Abel had an older brother." I don't think that there's much ambiguity there, do you? Like many ultra-conservative Catholics, the Gibsons, père et fils, have never forgiven the Vatican for lifting the charge of deicide against the Jews in 1964.
Nor have they forgiven the British Isles for breaking away from Rome during the 16th-century Reformation and destroying the monopoly of Holy Mother Church. In a series of ultra-violent propaganda movies, from Braveheart to The Patriot, Gibson has represented the English as a generally foul tribe. Those of us who have English descent can of course laugh this off as the writhings of a thwarted theocracy (combined in this case with some symptoms of a colonial inferiority complex), but the historic connection of the Catholic right with European fascism is not so amusing.
Gibson has now traded in this long-suffering lady—hopelessly rupturing his sacred marriage vows—for another, younger one, who, to phrase it delicately, was almost certainly not picked for her salient Catholic virtues. In doing this, he must have had a consciousness, however dim, of having endangered his immortal soul. Not only that, but also of having parted with a sensational quantity of worldly goods by way of a divorce settlement. And after all that, the new girl won't do as he says; won't defer; won't assume the desired position at a single snap of his fingers. A true gauleiter feels entitled to a bit more by way of luxurious subservience. No wonder, then, that Gibson walks around with neon lights behind his staring eyes, flashing the slogan "Contents Under Pressure."
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Monday, July 19, 2010, at 11:03 AM ET

This is extraordinary. We live in a culture where the terms fascist and racist are thrown about, if anything, too easily and too frequently. Yet here is a man whose every word and deed is easily explicable once you know the single essential thing about him: He is a member of a fascist splinter group that believes it is the salvation of the Catholic Church.
This schismatic crackpot sect is headed by Mel Gibson's father, Hutton Gibson, a nutty autodidact with a sideline in Holocaust denial. During the controversy over The Passion of the Christ, Gibson junior said that he had never heard anything but the truth from his father. I have some of old man Gibson's books on my shelf, including his self-published classics Is the Pope Catholic? and The Enemy Is Still Here!, which essentially accuse the current papacy of doing the work of the Antichrist. My favorite sample of his prose style is the following: "Our 'civilization' tolerates open sodomy and condones murder of the unborn, but shrinks in horror from burning incorrigible heretics—essentially a charitable act." He attacks the late Pope John Paul II for having said, in one of his "outreaches" to the Jewish people, "You are our predilect brothers and, in a certain way, one could say our oldest brothers." Hutton Gibson's comment? "Abel had an older brother." I don't think that there's much ambiguity there, do you? Like many ultra-conservative Catholics, the Gibsons, père et fils, have never forgiven the Vatican for lifting the charge of deicide against the Jews in 1964.
It would be highly surprising if a person marinated in the doctrines of this ideology did not display all sorts of symptoms that were also sexually distraught. Racism very often clusters with sexual revulsion, and Gibson's rants are horribly larded with this element. His obsessive loathing of homosexuality—so seldom a healthy sign—is also well-known. Less well-remembered, perhaps, is the interview in which he announced that his wife of many years and the mother of his children would not, alas, be able to join him in paradise. It was not a matter of her moral character. It was simply that she had not seen fit to join the one true church. Her condemnation, then, was "a pronouncement from the chair."

Yet I still saw a report the other day about a fan site where the members were just beginning to ask, "What's with him?" Why is there this reluctance to call something by its right name? It's not as if Gibson was issuing a cry for help. On the contrary, what he is issuing is the distilled violence, cruelty, and bigotry—and sexual hypocrisy—that stretches from the Crusades through the Inquisition to the "concordats" between the church and Hitler and Mussolini. Yet he's still reporting for work. When will Hollywood, and the wider society, finally decide to shun and spurn him utterly, both for what he is and for what he represents?
Maybe you've seen this "need a movie" video before, if you haven't then OMG, hop to it! it's HEELARIOUS! Anyways I subscribed to this channel not long ago after finding the vid again and thought it might pay off eventually... and I was right!!
Here's Sharon and Fred's "do you need a movie" link...
seriously, you need to see this! and below is their newest artistic endeavor and let me just say, there are no words...
Here's Sharon and Fred's "do you need a movie" link...
seriously, you need to see this! and below is their newest artistic endeavor and let me just say, there are no words...
Oh and by the way....
If you're not already watching True Blood, I can give you a 100 reasons why you should, however as you know, pictures are worth a thousand words...
so talk amongst yourselves:
so talk amongst yourselves:
Green Bin Drama

And I honestly didn't think much of any of it yesterday, even though it was gross leaving the doors to a swarm or flies but figured it was Michel, getting his revenge in his own way. So Richard cleaned up the mess and the rest of the day went on fine, the Earth did not fall off it's axis...
That is, until I haven't heard from him yet, but I suspect a call/ text any minute now from Richard because guess which rotten apple is back to haunt the parking lot?!! lol. As I left this morning I saw the same or quite similar rotten apple on the ground. I should have taken a pic but I was running late.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Your Daily Finny IN VIDEO!!
Finny got the royal treatment from his momma & Poppop this morning... yogurt and banana's with a side of dress up!!
Here's Curtis' twitter vid:
And a sneak peak lol:
Here's Curtis' twitter vid:
And a sneak peak lol:
Friday, July 16, 2010
Mom ♥'z HORATIO!!
Hi momma!!
Curtis sent me this and I immediately thought of you!! Hope you don't still think he's the coolest cop ever after
Finally proof of the pudding, his shades and one-liners have got to go!!
Curtis sent me this and I immediately thought of you!! Hope you don't still think he's the coolest cop ever after
Finally proof of the pudding, his shades and one-liners have got to go!!
Your Daily Finny & Friends
Everybody meet Petee!! One of Carole's pooches but he's my favorite gentle giant. Fin likes him enough I guess, but as you can see he can take him or leave him. BBQ is more interesting!
I love his cute floppy ears!! He looks like a big bunny rabbit!
So remember that post about Curt and I being at the Sheraton on Canada Day weekend? Well when we were checking out we got to talking with this couple in front of us. Eventually we discovered that the girl was a singer and that they had filmed her newest video hence why they had stayed at the Sheraton. Anyways Curtis and I had no idea who she was because I'm the top 40 listener of our duo and can't remember names/ songs ever. I didn't even know Justin Bieber was Canadian until my friends told me. lol. Yah I'm that bad...
Anyways back to this Addictiv lady, the couple was really nice, no pretentiousness at all and I know she's not Lady Gaga yet, but I jam out to this tune in the car all the time and had no idea it was her until I just confirmed it with my friend Mr. Youtube. My only other claim to fame is the time I hung out with Dennis Rodman and by hanging out I mean I was 2 feet away from him while he bought my ex bf a drink... nice.
Anyways, Shoulda Coulda Woulda mentioned my whole Make-up business had I known she was ACTUALLY a chanteuse!! I am the worst sales person ever... anyone want to be my PR person, pro bono? lol
Anyways back to this Addictiv lady, the couple was really nice, no pretentiousness at all and I know she's not Lady Gaga yet, but I jam out to this tune in the car all the time and had no idea it was her until I just confirmed it with my friend Mr. Youtube. My only other claim to fame is the time I hung out with Dennis Rodman and by hanging out I mean I was 2 feet away from him while he bought my ex bf a drink... nice.
Anyways, Shoulda Coulda Woulda mentioned my whole Make-up business had I known she was ACTUALLY a chanteuse!! I am the worst sales person ever... anyone want to be my PR person, pro bono? lol
Thursday, July 15, 2010
So Curtis texted me an hour ago to tell me that they stopped the oil leak!! I would have posted sooner but I fell back asleep on the couch...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Oh! And by the wayyyyy:
Here's a snippet:
The bottom line: BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling operation may have triggered an irreversible, cascading geological Apocalypse that will culminate with the first mass extinction of life on Earth in many millions of years.
The oil giant drilled down miles into a geologically unstable region and may have set the stage for the eventual premature release of a methane mega-bubble.
Here's a snippet:
The bottom line: BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling operation may have triggered an irreversible, cascading geological Apocalypse that will culminate with the first mass extinction of life on Earth in many millions of years.
The oil giant drilled down miles into a geologically unstable region and may have set the stage for the eventual premature release of a methane mega-bubble.
Wife, I mean life of a Crawfisher...
Saw this in my facebook newsfeed just now posted by my friend Jon and loved it. This is being tagged under "Soap Box" because it's about the whole BP Oil Spill mess, but it could easily be filed under my "other boyfriends" tag because this Southern Beau is a little Sugared Beigné that could should be on True Blood!! lol. Yummers!!
Anyways here's the video, it was on the Hufington Post, so read their awesome article about Drew Landry here...
Anyways here's the video, it was on the Hufington Post, so read their awesome article about Drew Landry here...
Taste of Bermuda
Hi y'all,
Yah I suck with the lack of updates, no excuse, I actually just forgot I had a blog until last night when Curtis showed me this post fromengaget about Bermuda Barrit's Ginger Beer. So I got all excited and wanted to blog about it, but have been busy and brain dead all day so here goes:
Bermuda doesn't export anything except Onions and in recent years our Gosling Black Rum, but it appears that now at a fair $40 you can have a sip of Paradise with a 2-4 of ginger beer... Just so we're clear my non- Bermudian friends, there's no beer in Ginger Beer!! Is there any other kind of soda you'd pay that kind of money for? I mean the stuff is pretty good, takes some getting used to tho, especially to a Canadian who is expecting Gingerale...
Bermuda gal for life, I have the necesseties in my fridge and Barmoire at all times... Yes, I drink Kool Aid.
Yah I suck with the lack of updates, no excuse, I actually just forgot I had a blog until last night when Curtis showed me this post from
Bermuda doesn't export anything except Onions and in recent years our Gosling Black Rum, but it appears that now at a fair $40 you can have a sip of Paradise with a 2-4 of ginger beer... Just so we're clear my non- Bermudian friends, there's no beer in Ginger Beer!! Is there any other kind of soda you'd pay that kind of money for? I mean the stuff is pretty good, takes some getting used to tho, especially to a Canadian who is expecting Gingerale...
From Uncrate:
Barritts Ginger Beer
Not to be confused with the original, alcoholic version of ginger beer — or even ginger ale, for that matter — Barritts Ginger Beer ($40/24-pack) has been a Bermudan staple since 1874. It's made from pure cane sugar, and sports a ginger bite that makes it great by itself or in the elusive perfect Dark 'N' Stormy.
Bermuda gal for life, I have the necesseties in my fridge and Barmoire at all times... Yes, I drink Kool Aid.
Monday, July 12, 2010
How to trick people...
This is cute,
and I'm totally jealous that her vid went viral in less than 3 days! That's Pretty amazing. Her other vids are pretty funny. I especially enjoyed her rant about her roommate. Reminded me of Curtis' predicament not long ago!
and I'm totally jealous that her vid went viral in less than 3 days! That's Pretty amazing. Her other vids are pretty funny. I especially enjoyed her rant about her roommate. Reminded me of Curtis' predicament not long ago!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
What does this mean?!
"Rainbows can be observed whenever there are water drops in the air and sunlight shining from behind at a low altitude angle. The most spectacular rainbow displays happen when half of the sky is still dark with raining clouds and the observer is at a spot with clear sky in the direction of the Sun. The result is a luminous rainbow that contrasts with the darkened background." ~Wikipedia
However, as glorious a rainbow may look, it should not cause a normal person to react this way:
Curtis sent me this version (below), which is equally hilarious, because lets face it, auto tune is not dead yet, at least not for parodies...Sorry Jay-Z!!
Do I smell a new ring tone?? I think so!! lol
"Rainbows can be observed whenever there are water drops in the air and sunlight shining from behind at a low altitude angle. The most spectacular rainbow displays happen when half of the sky is still dark with raining clouds and the observer is at a spot with clear sky in the direction of the Sun. The result is a luminous rainbow that contrasts with the darkened background." ~Wikipedia
However, as glorious a rainbow may look, it should not cause a normal person to react this way:
Curtis sent me this version (below), which is equally hilarious, because lets face it, auto tune is not dead yet, at least not for parodies...Sorry Jay-Z!!
Do I smell a new ring tone?? I think so!! lol
Friday, July 9, 2010
Why I miss Bill
Thanks Curtis, stole this from your facebook :)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Optimum Lameness
So I'm just about to go to Shoppers and thought I'd check my points balance and see what the new reward levels are and holy crap do things just ever keep getting worse. Not that I was close to getting the $150 but I had $25 and now I have like $10? I must be the only person who forgot to go and redeem before the change but still. In any case I went on the shoppers website and let me know if I'm crazy but nowhere on their site do they have the new reward levels. I entered my info, checked my balance, and that didn't even tell me what I was eligible for... No matter because I went and checked with my buddy Mr. Google and found the old and new reward levels from someone else's blog, but since I'm not in advertizing I just copied and pasted and here they are mes amies:
* 7,000 Points for $10
* 15,000 Points for $25
* 30,000 Points for $55
* 40,000 Points for $75
* 75,000 Points for $150
* 8,000 Points for $10
* 22,000 Points for $30
* 38,000 Points for $60
* 50,000 Points for $85
* 95,000 Points for $170
Monday, July 5, 2010
Lennish is back in O-town
Hey y'all.
Hope everyone had a great Canada Day/ Fourth of July. Curtis and I went to Toronto to visit some of his friends and had a blasssst. We practiced our parenting skillz, ate like pigs, met new people, had a fire alarm scare at 3am while on the 42nd floor of the Sheraton and actually paid money to watch UFC for all of 6 minutes!
My favorite night was our night at the Sheraton, gorgeous views, bought some vino, watched "Princess and the Frog" and at 11pm decided to take an impromptu walk for some ice cream, and an hour later we found the

What else, what else? Oh Richard came over and installed my a/c randomly last night. I wasn't expecting it but who am I to stop a good samaritan? Surprisingly my little mini a/c is doing the trick and cooling most of my apartment. Unfortunately I can't close all the bedroom doors thanks to Richard breaking one of my door knobs. His generosity has a price apparently!! jk
Word on the street is someone is trying to use Carole's BBQ in the backyard. She has a pad lock on the lid and someone removed the cover but when they realized that it was locked they left the cover on the grass. According to my source, ahem, Richard, only GS could have done this and the wind could not have blown the cover off the BBQ. lol. OMG, this is rediculous, how did we go from orgy gossip to attempted BBQ usage theft!! If you want to know why GS isn't having any of her infamous parties of late, it's because her fugtard bf slipped and fell down the stairs whilst giving a "manly high five" to his leaving guests after their last party. Begs the question, what is a Manly High Five? "Hey, you just banged my girlfriend, right on, high five! SMACK, say hi to your mother for me" Something like that?
Thursday, July 1, 2010
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