Friday, July 16, 2010


So remember that post about Curt and I being at the Sheraton on Canada Day weekend? Well when we were checking out we got to talking with this couple in front of us. Eventually we discovered that the girl was a singer and that they had filmed her newest video hence why they had stayed at the Sheraton. Anyways Curtis and I had no idea who she was because I'm the top 40 listener of our duo  and can't remember names/ songs ever. I didn't even know Justin Bieber was Canadian until my friends told me. lol. Yah I'm that bad...

Anyways back to this Addictiv lady, the couple was really nice, no pretentiousness at all and I know she's not Lady Gaga yet, but I jam out to this tune in the car all the time and had no idea it was her until I just confirmed it with my friend Mr. Youtube.  My only other claim to fame is the time I hung out with Dennis Rodman and by hanging out I mean I was 2 feet away from him while he bought my ex bf a drink... nice.

Anyways, Shoulda Coulda Woulda mentioned my whole Make-up business had I known she was ACTUALLY a chanteuse!! I am the worst sales person ever... anyone want to be my PR person, pro bono? lol

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