Monday, August 30, 2010


After a fabulous fun filled weekend full of love and emotion, is was only natural that I watch something completely depressing and infuriating upon my return. lol. I honestly didn't mean to but I had seen the trailer for this some time ago and noticed yesterday that it was on TMN on demand and decided to watch it. 

While it is somewhat depressing and likely to cause some teeth grinding, it is really worth the watch as I learned so much from it. As the title suggests, it's about Gas, however, not crude oil, but the natural gas shales deep under the surface. Major oil corporations have been "Fracking" these basins, a process which uses hundreds of thousands of gallons of water, insane cancer causing chemicals and creating fake "earthquakes" that releases the gas up to the surface, and thus polluting the local drinking water. When I say polluting local drinking water, I really mean this:

Here's the trailer

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