For the 3rd year in a row I am missing halloween at work, I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. Old people in costumes freak me the hell out... I don't think I could keep a straight face at the crazies dressed up as robots and gargoyls...
But privately,
I do get a kick of the pics they post afterwards though so I'm not totally missing out...

And since I'm not in tomorrow I doubt I'll be posting anything until next week, well that is unless the Brick completely demolishes my couch on Saturday, then prepare for the post of a lifetime :S
If you're going out this weekend in your halloween garb, have fun! Despite having a tickle trunk full of costumes, Curtis and I are opting not to go out and probably just stay in and watch scurrry movies... that is of course unless any of you contact us and invite us to your party or soirée of sorts... ;) Jk
We might take Prince Finnegus trick or treating, or just to the dog park on Sunday... we'll see, depends if he behaves on Saturday with "Dave" at the house. :S
Be good y'all and eat lots of sweets!