Thursday, October 28, 2010


For the 3rd year in a row I am missing halloween at work, I cannot tell you how happy this makes me.  Old people in costumes freak me the hell out... I don't think I could keep a straight face at the crazies dressed up as robots and gargoyls...

     But privately, I do get a kick of the pics they post afterwards though so I'm not totally missing out...

And since I'm not in tomorrow I doubt I'll be posting anything until next week, well that is unless the Brick completely demolishes my couch on Saturday, then prepare for the post of a lifetime :S

If you're going out this weekend in your halloween garb, have fun! Despite having a tickle trunk full of costumes, Curtis and I are opting not to go out and probably just stay in and watch scurrry movies... that is of course unless any of you contact us and invite us to your party or soirĂ©e of sorts... ;) Jk

We might take Prince Finnegus trick or treating, or just to the dog park on Sunday... we'll see, depends if he behaves on Saturday with "Dave" at the house. :S

Be good y'all and eat lots of sweets!

Your Daily Finny

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Your Daily Finny

I know what you're thinking, oh cute, finny in halloween garb, but you're wrong,
this is what Finny always looks like.
But stay tuned, there will be some cutie patoutie halloween pics coming soon :)

Reason # 246 why I need an iPad.

OMG I've watched this 5 times now... can't stop crying it's so cute!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ahhh NOID!!

So The Brick came on Saturday. They sent an adult, that was unexpected, and he was nice and very polite, efficient but as I suspected it made the couch worse.  I'm obviously insanely fed up at this point, I almost wish they'd have never come and "fixed" the couch, it doesn't even look like the same model anymore. I managed to find a google pic of the sofa but in a different shade so that I can prove to the brick that I am not a crazy cat lady that's lonely and wants visitor's on the weekend. It's insanely inconvenient and boring watching someone work while I tell my dog to be quiet and "coucher" for an hour.

As you can see there shouldn't be any dimples in the couch, it's not a pin tuck type of look. I tried explaining this to the technician and showed him my ottoman and side chair since they're still in perfect shape and what did he do? He pulled as tightly as he could and gave my couch wrinkles and pouf factor.  He also didn't put the seat back in correctly because it now feels like you're falling off the couch. At least before it was comfy, now it's ugly and uncomfortable.  I tried telling him I felt like I was sliding off the couch and he basically said I was crazy and ran out the door.

So After a weekend of phone tag with the Brick Customer Service peeps, and my trying to help them save a buck, they're insisting on sending another technician to "FIX" what they call an "overstuff" and they're sending Dave, because acegirl has full confidence in "her Dave". Well why didn't you send "Dave" in the first place? And if Dave can't fix it then they'll have to send someone else the following week because their policy is to send a technician 3 times and then I can qualify for a reselection. Now I may not be a business entrepreneur, but sending a technician 3 times on a Saturday, paying them time 1/2  for a $700 couch hardly seems like the most efficient way of solving this problem.

This was fun, all the little nails and staples:

What's with the bumpy cushions? It looks like slices of bread:

Center cushion is now an 1" higher in the center! 

I thought I was conceited...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Angry Birds Lite Level 7

This is driving me nuts!! I'm really starting to believe that it's impossible to get 3 stars on Level 7. I've tried everything, and it was a miracle that I got the 74k that I did and that only amounted to a 2 star rating... sooo bogus!! Anyways if anyone knows the secret to level 7, please please please share! :) I've tried finding walkthroughs on youtube and google and there's nothing for us who are to cheap to purchase the real Angry Birds!! lol

Sidenote: Ashley, this is all your fault! ;)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spreading the Gayness

Thanks Gaston, even though you don't read my blog, I still love you. xo

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Your Daily Finny & Curtie

Just stuff it already!!

Soooo you might remember a while back, I was annoyed with the quality of my couch after less than a year. They sent some 19 year kid to come and "inspect" it. He agreed with me that it wouldn't do much to restuff it and that I'd have to keep having it restuffed until my warranty expired. So I got a call from the Brick offering me $200 to keep the couch as is and forfeit my warranty...

Well hmmmm here's the thing, I paid an extra $150 for the extended warranty, so really you're offering me $50 to keep a shizzy couch. Oviously I said no thanks and insisted on having a store credit so I could go pick out a different couch, one with reversable cushions, and in turn will be more expensive so they'd will make more money. They'd also get to take my couch, restuff it, and sell it because other than the floppiness it's in mint condition.  But it seems like the manager is taking a different route and called me to say that I must have the couch serviced and restuffed at my inconvenience and then take things from there. So by all means, come and restuff it, Finnegan is dying to help you, and there are no zippers on the ouch so I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing how they're going to manage this and keep it looking normal.

And so the couch saga conitnues...  from the very moment it arrived at my house with it's gaping hole in the front center cushion, to the 6 week exchange period where they came back with a vengence and broke my vase and fnally the last 3 months of me trying to get a new couch.  

APPARENTLY they're coming on Saturday to stuff it with a higher density foam and we shall see how that goes.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to meet European Men

Is this shiz for real? I'm not expecting anyone to watch this whole thing, I had to turn it off when Dr. Francois showed up... but I still can't tell if this is serious? Did she just go shopping and want to show us her shiteous outfits or is she a comedic genius who just needs to work on her timing?

It goes to show that they'll publish anyone these days...  But not everyone can have an amazing blog with 5 followers though, that takes dedication!

And while we're on the subject, I'm having a hard time understanding this whole concept of trying to attract European men. In my experience, it takes little to no effort at all to attract them, but an arsenal of insults and friends to get them to back the fuck off.  They speak perfect english at first, and the minute you reject them, they don't speaka da angleeesh good. They have this insane built-in GPS tracker that allows them to show up unexpectedly when you're at your coming out of the ladies room sans amigos.  Trust me, if you're wanting to track down some rando Euro, just stand still, he will come.

Rent is too damn high!

How long before thiey autotune this badboy? lol


Friday, October 15, 2010

Going "Deep Green"

Another good documentary! It  looks like it might be less gloomy and more hopeful for than your usual phrophesies of doom type docs but very informative at the same time.  I haven't seen it, so I can't tell you it's a for shiz watch, but the trailer spoke to me, and if you speak my languange, it should speak to you too.

I'm also proud of the fact that I found it on my very own and it's not something Curtis sent me! See, I know things too!! lol.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

This bahloooo my mind

C-Mac and I went for a cinematic adventure last night and saw Social Network.
Here's what I can tell you:

If this Zuckerburg guy is even 1/10th as funny as they portrayed him in this movie then I think I just found my new hero. I mean durh, it goes without saying that dude is S-M-A-R-T. But he's also effin SMART ASS and gives douchechillz a whole new meaning. 

I've been on Facebook at least 3 times today, pathetic I know, but I have this totally different view of it now. You know when you dislike something or wish they'd change something  or think "why don't they do this instead?" Well now I feel like I know who the "they" are and what it took to get things to where they are now.

Did you know it used to be called "The Facebook"? I don't remember that, possibly because I came on board in late 06 after they dropped the "The" or I just fogot it used to be there.

Anyways if you're unsure about going to see it, here's my advice. While it might not have the action pack CGI scenes a big screen is ideal for, having a room full of people experience simultaneous douchechills is definitely worth the $9.50.  If you're scared that JT might ruin the film, you'll actually be quite surprised to see that someone has been getting acting lessons while on his music hiatus and if you miss the fast paced thesaurus packed lingo Felicity and Dawson's Creek offered us as teens, this is similar, but for adults ;)

Enjoy, don't forget to neutralize the dill.

Teenage Dream~Kinda

The best smizing I've ever seen :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Still ♥ Him


Cache Rules Everything Around Me

A friend at work sent me this...  it's not really NSFW, but there's some iffy parts so maybe wait t'ill you get home. Besides, you should be checking on the blog several times a day anyways...

Cache Rules Everything Around Me from Evan Roth on Vimeo.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Immagetting a new couch!!

So the Brick kid came by on Saturday, offered to re-stuff my couch... I declined and now I get to choose a new couch!

 It's not any simpler than that. 

Decisions, decisions :S

Friday, October 1, 2010

♪♫ Ohhhh Valerie!

So not only do I find out about my couch tomorrow, but I get to see my best gal pal val for a little while!

She's back from Calgary for a wedding and guess who gets to do her macquillage?

Yours truly and I can't wait! She's a beautiful canvas and she loves make-up, so we are going to have fun!!

I know Finnegan is going to flip when he see's his ma'tente again! 

Bye Bye Love Den

Hey y'all, 
I really don't have much going on to talk about, or to complain for a change! BUT I am pretty excited that The Brick is sending an inspector to look at my couch tomorrow. I still like my little love den sectional, but after less than a year it looks really floppy and weathered... Soooo since I'm still paying for the buggar, I'm going to have to say goodbye and find something else.  It's still under warranty and since I can't change the cushions around  it's just going to continue to get worse. I'm pretty sure they won't give me my money back, but they will let me exchange it, so I think I already know what I want... 
So keep your fingers crossed for me and by next weekend I may have a whole new living room :)