Is this shiz for real? I'm not expecting anyone to watch this whole thing, I had to turn it off when Dr. Francois showed up... but I still can't tell if this is serious? Did she just go shopping and want to show us her shiteous outfits or is she a comedic genius who just needs to work on her timing?
It goes to show that they'll publish anyone these days... But not everyone can have an amazing blog with 5 followers though, that takes dedication!
And while we're on the subject, I'm having a hard time understanding this whole concept of trying to attract European men. In my experience, it takes little to no effort at all to attract them, but an arsenal of insults and friends to get them to back the fuck off. They speak perfect english at first, and the minute you reject them, they don't speaka da angleeesh good. They have this insane built-in GPS tracker that allows them to show up unexpectedly when you're at your coming out of the ladies room sans amigos. Trust me, if you're wanting to track down some rando Euro, just stand still, he will come.
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