Here's where in lies my dilemma. I have not figured out my press yet. Which means I will have two hours to get home, walk the sugar bear, try on a a shiz load of outfits, paint my nails, makeup and hair... It's doable, but here's what's really going to happen. I'll get home, see my dishes in the sink, decide that it's best that I do them now or else I won't enjoy myself at the show later, then after that I'll reward myself with a couple of minutes with my scramble iphone game, 30 minutes later Finny will remind me of his walk, I'll take him on the short route since I'm going to be running low on time, then I'll go home and panic, pick the dumbest outfit possible (ie usually something rediculously too warm or not warm enough) skip doing my nails, scrunch my hair because it's fast, and do most of my makeup in the car.
I am the same way about the dishes. From the night before! LMAO!