You can imagine the fumes coming out of my head Saturday morning. Curtis came over and we went straight to the Brick. There was no way I was going to play phone tag with these idiots again and I wanted to see their faces while they spewed up the Bull Shit that they were no doubt going to deliver.
I can't even begin to describe the pointlessness of trying to talk sense with these people. The one lady that I have been dealing with this whole time kept interrupting and changing the conversation to talk about herself. For instance I would mention that I spoke with someone the week before about the couch feeling like it was falling foward and her response is "Oh that was me, I remember you mentioning that, it's so weird the things I remember sometimes." Well no, actually, it's not weird, it's your job to remember or maybe even perhaps write down customer complaints!!?!?!?!!?!"?!?

So anyways after all that insanity, she tells me that she's just called Dave and left Dave a menssage to call her back ASAP and that she will call me ASAP to let me know if Dave can come Money (today).
So it's time to look up a a main brick head office type # and go over the head of everyone at the store you're dealing with! Or start with the manager (unless the manager was that crazy lady) I cannot believe the service you've been getting :(