Morning, welcome to day 2 of my hellish kitchen reno. Ok ok, it's not that bad, I'm sure people suffer through way worse, but I'm not big on suffering, soooo yah, not happy. Slept in today, yep until 7:20am, then came the door buzzer that Finnegan lurves and I'm pretty sure he peed a little while in my arms, actually for all I know he might have been spraying all over the place like a laser cat because I was sleep-walking to the door.

Anyways let me back track a little to last night. Richard and Carole invited me for BBQ in our newly fenced in yard since I don't really have a functioning kitchen anymore (and apparently won't until THURSDAY!!) So anyways my friend Véro came by and I'm so glad because now she's a second person to meet the GS.
She (GS) came by while we were eating and we realized how incredibly rude it was not to invite her, but we had 4 burgers and we were 4 people so do the math, we were in a pickle. In any case she had already eaten and just wanted to hang out. I can't really put into words the amount of awkwardness that was had by all, mainly because we know things that she doesn't know we know... so when she does her sexual innuendos (which is all the time) we're actually throwing up a bit inside our mouths but she thinks she's being really witty...not cool.

She also volunteered to watch Finny on Thursday when the bulk of the work in my kitchen is going to be happening and Richard has to work, which is really nice of her. But then she said ok, I'll put you in my planner. So in my head I'm thinking like this mental memory banks she calls 'planner'. Oh but No, she came knocking on my door after the BBQ with her leather bound planner and showed me the entry of "watch Finnegan". Like all she has to do is cross the hall, come in, pick him up and bring him down to the yard with her dog. You would think Finnegan's constant barking when all the kitchen kerfuffle is going on would be reminder enough, but nope she'll have to refer to her planner?!
You look hot in your jean jacket.