Monday, May 31, 2010
Your Daily Finny & Curtie
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Worst Wedding DJ Ever, Part Deuce...
Thanks again to Curtis for finding this... and thank you Jerry O'Connell and Rebbeca Romijn, awesome!!
Guess what I did today?!
Also note the pink chicken. Awesome, now I have to have
Your Daily Finny
Friday, May 28, 2010
More Dramz...


Thursday, May 27, 2010
Dinner Dilema
I'm literally sitting at my desk wondering what I'm going to cook for Curtis and me tonight. I was super gung ho about cooking and then lost it...I currently have no appetite and I went looking online for inspiration and found nada... I'm also trying to think of things that won't heat up my kitchen too much since this is the first night in what feels like forever that my apartment will be 'bearable'. All I've come up with so far is salad, and as you know, you don't make friends with salad, or husbands either I suspect.
So if you read this in the next 15 minutes and you can think of something delish and easy... please comment, because cereal is starting to sound real good right about now!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Child Abuse
I know this is far from the light drama I provide, but Curtis sent me this and I just had to share. It's so disturbing on so many levels... I don't even understand how a child can learn how to smoke... it took me the longest time as a teenager to get it down. I almost forgot I was watching a 2 year old at some point until he started playing around with the cigarette and blowing kisses, and then I remembered that this isn't some weird baby faced mutant adult, it's a baby.
GS Gossip

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
We survived!

Brig let me practice my airbrushing on her and I think we both looked flawless! I'll eventually be doing a little photoshoot with the girls so look out for that on my facebook fanpage.. Any other volunteers? Let me know!!
Sunday night I watched the finale of LOST! I know it wasn't the CARAZY ending everyone was hoping for, but I still really liked it, and I couldn't stop crying... I was glad I was alone because Curtis would have thought I was losing it! I also cried while painting that day because I was semi watching the Persuit of Happiness at the same time... not a good idea when you're PMS'ing. Then, yesterday, while I was finishing my painting I was semi watching "Cupcake Girls" and when Lori found out she was pregnant after trying for 2 years I lost it again. I'd never even seen the show before but since there was a marathon I felt like they were my best buds!! Thank god I am feeling better now!
And that's all I'm ever going to mention about PMS or else i'm going to end up with ads about maxi pads on the side bar... :S
Later kids.... Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :(
Just kiddin!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Someone is trying to kill me...

The plan for the rest of my day was to tan and get some color so I don't glow under the black lights, however mother nature isn't cooperating. An hour ago it was hot and sunny, now it's raining :(
Some of you might also remember what else tonight is... It's the swinger's party next door!! And let me tell you, GS has been preparing for this all week. And as per Richard she was up at 6:30am taking out her recycling this morning. Brig is arriving at 8pm when I think the swinger party starts at the same time, so this should be hilarious! If she arrives at the same time they're going to think and hope she's a going to the same place they are! I'll try to get a few snapshots of the crazies coming in... no promises tho!
Have a great long weekend Canadians, Bermudians and Caymanians... everyone else, sorry!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I ♥ Ocean ≈
Don't know if everyone has been keeping abreast of this situation all? I have to admit that I find it so depressing that I try to avoid it completely. However, my better half Curtis thankfully keeps me updated and brings me back to the reality that just because it's unpleasant doesn't mean it's not happening.
I just had an hour and half green committee meeting at work, and I realized afterwards that none of us even mentioned this oil spill. Not that I expect us to have some kind of objective or goal to helping out right now, but I just thought how odd that like minded people didn't even discuss it at all. I'm chalking it up to everyone probably feeling how I am, overwhelmed and defeated. What can we do really but wait and see what the damage is? While the politicians do whatever it is their doing or not doing I thought I'd at the least try to find some video's and post updates, and by me finding stuff I mean whatever Curtis sends me ;)
I did actually find this vid myself though.... So point1 for me, and -10billion pts BP.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A GS Vacation...

Anyways among the other things we discussed was our little gs friend's upcoming vacation. Now keep in mind that she doesn't tell me things the way she tells
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Immature GS Update

I love how she tries to make it sound like it's a totally normal party: "oh yah, we'll just be drinking some wine, listening to some music and maybe dancing" No you won't, you'll be slutting it up, spreading disease and making the baby Jesus cry...
Anyways that's all I got... Oh, in more relevant news, my Dinair Airbrush should have arrived today. I'm already pretty much late everyday for work, this is not going to help me at all. But at least when I am late now, I'll be flawless when I arrive!
Worst Wedding DJ EVER!!!!!!!!!
Wow, so the D in DJ stands for Douche?? Awesome, I always wondered about that and now I know. At least we have a new visual when we'll hear this song, I don't know about you but I was getting kinda sick of Mike Tyson in The Hangover visual, so I'm fine with having DJ-Douchetard playing the tahtah's for awhile...
Thanks Curtis for sending me this! xo
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Got my hair did!!
Sharon Sugrue
Thursday, May 13, 2010
So this happened:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Drumroll Please....tah dah:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Dish-Pan Hands... and Lovin'it.

Monday, May 10, 2010
Obrigado! Gracias! Merci! Thanks!
Just wanted to thank everyone who helped make my birthday weekend a very special one! Thank you :)
Friday with the girls was awesome and hilarious!! Saturday with my Curtie Bear was fantastic and decadent! Dinner at 18, was as good if not better than the first time we went and that's the honest truth since we ordered the exact same meal and I'm so glad we did, because now we know we're not crazy, it is THAT GOOD!
Sunday we slept in, had brunch, went shopping and I made dinner in my new kitchen...Finally!! According to Curtis, it was a "great success"(Borat) and let me tell you how awesome it is to cook a meal without having to balance dinner plates all over the place. And as of this morning, la cuisine is completely finished, we were missing that one piece under the cabinets and the guys showed up randomly this morning to do it... so photo shoot sometime this week and I'll post the big reveal!
Again, thank you thank you thank you to everyone!! xoxo
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Curtis sent me this...
You might notice that if I post something funny he's probably the one who sent it to me. ;)
Anyways this video should aide anyone who's torn between gospel and science. If you've been thinking of dabbling with atheism, I think now is the time to start. However if you've been teetering back and forth with faith, I don't think the plastic surgery lovin, belly top wearin' middle aged woman should be the "lords" mouthpiece. Ughh guys, I know............ giggidy.
Enjoy Downward Praying , Christmas Star and Disciple poses... I can't even type this shiz without laughing!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Parking Wars

Best Cry Ever
Curtis had this on his facebook this morning and I just saw it on Perez and watched it, and then watched it again, and again just now. I can already feel myself burning a little, but I think it's a feel good cry because we can all relate to an occasional "ugly cry".
I, however, never have a nice cry... it's always chin-a-quiverin, instant nose leaking, red faced, mouth hippo wide open and I sound like I'm in labor. However my worst ugly cry in public was at Marley & Me. It was a combination of emotions and I just blurted the weirdest sound and I knew if I let myself go just a little I would bawl for hours... it's was horrible . So I sat there bitting my sleeve praying I could keep the flood gates closed! I felt really bad for Curtis, because I know he wanted to laugh but felt awful. In retrospect, I totally would have laughed at me!!
Take a minute and tell me your ugliest cry moment. Come'on, you can even leave it anonymously ;)
Monday, May 3, 2010
♫♪ It's a beautiful morning ♪♫

Oh! Before I go I'd like to give a big shout out to Monika and Dan who have just sold their gorgeous house without even listing it.... Yup, it's that gorgeous! Good job guys :)