So I was walking Finny the Poo yesterday, minding my own business and sure enough, I turned a corner and I could hear someone yelling "Finnegan, Fiiiiiiinnnnegannnn". It was the GS (for new readers GS stands for granny swinger)... anyways so she of course could not read my body language that I was in a hurry and kept talking and talking and then it happened....She warned me about her gross party, said it wasn't going to be a loud bunch, but that they like to dance... Really? Like you mean some sort of gyrating mating call dance right? Anyways I said not to worry because I'll likely be out but in truth I will be staying @ Curtis' pad.
I love how she tries to make it sound like it's a totally normal party: "oh yah, we'll just be drinking some wine, listening to some music and maybe dancing" No you won't, you'll be slutting it up, spreading disease and making the baby Jesus cry...
Anyways that's all I got... Oh, in more relevant news, my Dinair Airbrush should have arrived today. I'm already pretty much late everyday for work, this is not going to help me at all. But at least when I am late now, I'll be flawless when I arrive!
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