Thursday, June 3, 2010


So I just had an interview for I guess it's what you would call a promotion... It's a job at my current job, 2 levels higher and I really think I can do it,  but the question is does HR think I can...
I guess we'll see.

I actually think the whole thing went pretty darn well, so maybe that's what's worrying me? Because whenever I used to think I flunked an exam I'd pass with flying colors, and whenver I thought I'd pass I'd royally flunk! So maybe if I just stay Switzerland on the whole subject I stand a pretty good chance....non? But then I think what about that whole "Secret" sending your message to the universe thing of positive thinking?  Urghhhh it's exhausting... it's actually more exhausting then the actual interview itself. 

My life could change drastically here people! (Being a wee bit dramatic, but that is the theme isn't it?) I'd be way busier than I am now, I'd probably have to give up the blog, or at least during working hours (the horror) and lets face it, between Finnegan, Curtis and Banjo Kazooie, I really don't see how I'm going to squeeze in blogidy time at home... Speaking of 'time' I'd  have to be on time all the time because I'd be the "good example". Like I'm impressed when I'm on time for two consecutive days, I can't imagine weeks, years, and decades of punctuality.  I just don't have that gene that triggers the Oh oh, better get going signals.  Gawd... do I really want this job?

Anyways, I'm just rambling... 

I know I haven't blogged about the GS in some time, but I have a feeling something big is going to go down soon, so I'm waiting for that big fish to really hook you in.  You know like some life alterating shiz... lol 

Just know that you really don't want mess with the Richan... I mean Richard. He tried to buy plant killer to attack GS tomato garden but I wouldn't let him.... spend the money that is!! I told him to find a cheap home remedy instead!!

JK! I told him not to at know I'm practically a saint people!

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