So the hubby and I took up joggin last night, well more like Curt went jogging and I weazed my way down the street. I really thought I was going to be better at it than him and I really thought I was going to do better than I did. However once we started I instantly wanted to stop, but I ended up doing better than I thought I would when we first started out!! lol. Make sense? lol. I'm happy for Curtis that "it was a joke" and super easy for him!! :S
Anyways it's back to the treadmill for me...Well eventually. Need to recover first! lol
In non jogging related news, I got some disturbing information from Richard about my Camo- truck neighbor John. So I figured he had a little sweet spot for the "little lady that lives across from meh..." (I'm talking about me btw) But he definately confirmed this when he was talking about me to Richard yesterday saying that now that his wife took his daughter away he really wants that, and points to my window, and Richard was like who? And he's like that one, the one that lives 'raight dare" and Richard says "Lorraine" and he's like "Umm hummm". Ewwwwwwwww!!
Can't even begin to tell you how disturbing this is. I mean, like I said, in a non conceited way a girl can usually tell when a man has his eye on you, but now he's like announcing it to people and stuff. UGHHHH!!
Does this mean he's going to try and get my attention? I already avoid him like the plague, I can only go outside in my yard if I see his truck is gone, I give no extra attention to his daughter Shyanne because I feel him sizing me up as a potential maternal influence... and by the way I know he spells her name weird! First thing he said to me when he introduced me to his daughter when I first moved in was "this is Cheyenne, it's spelled the way it's sounds, S-H-Y-A-N-N-E." Who does that? Hi, I'm L-O-R-R-A-I-N-E-#00100010.
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