Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Smashley!!!!

Bring out the champagne!! Ashley joins us in geriatric bliss as she turns 29 on the 29th today!!

Ashley is our resident mom, TV guide, and legal advisor.

Wanna gab about the Bachelorette or Big Brother? She's got the juicy deets!! 

This lovely lady is beautiful inside and out and can make you laugh until drink comes out of your nose. Sarcasm that would put Chandler to shame!! lol.

Sorry fellas, this one is taken too!

Thank you for invaluable advice and always willing to lend an ear.

Yay we're all old now!

Noteable Ashley Factoid: walked in to JC's not a fireman and walked out a fireman!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Your Daily Finny

Poppop playing the photog while mom sleeps. Nice bed head Finnegan!! lol

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Christelle!

Happy Birthday to our faboosh friend Christelle!!

This June baby likes taking long walks, cooking up a storm,  and all the luxeries life has to offer.  Country girl by birth but a city girl to the core!

She joins the rest of us 29 year old bitties and makes us look good!

Sorry fellas, she's recently attached and this one's a keeper!!

Noteable Factoid:
Christelle makes a mean dirty martini!! Watch out!

Penn & Teller Explain Bottled Water

Thanks Curtis xo

Monday, June 21, 2010


Was not expecting this at all!! I love Amanda Bynes and I was just talking with my girl Briggie yesterday while we both caught the end of "what a girl wants" saying that Sunday's wouldn't be the same without Amanda Bynes type movies!! Now she's announcing her retirement?
What next? Kate Hudson refusing to do RomCom's? I expect to see "how to lose a guy in 10 days" every other Sunday on the W channel or Diva, I can't remember which because I alternate all the time. Seriously though, they make weekend afternoon TV watching bareable!! 

Goodbye dear friend, "you're the man".  lol

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Hope you have an awesome father's day today dad, maybe on a
boat somewhere tropical...Oh wait a second, that's everyday!!

Thanks for being the bestest dad ever and I hope mom spoils
you like you do for us all the time :)

Miss you and love you, can't wait to see you and mom in August!!
xoxoxoxo ♥ Lorraine & Finny

(Wish I had that canon ball picture mom took at X-mas!!)

Friday, June 18, 2010


Your Daily Finny

Chicken Coop-De-Ville

Are you tired of looking everywhere for that perfect backyard chicken coop? Sick of the same chicken wire-mesh and wood DYI fiascos? lol
Okay, neither am I!! But I can't wait to own my own land and get me a super awesome chicken coop like the ones below. 

I know this seems like another one of "Lorraine's crazy antics" but owning your own farm fresh eggs and meat is the farthest thing from crazy. It's probably the sanest thing I've ever suggested ;)

Here's some info I stole directly from Ottawa's chapter of the CLUCK association http://cluckottawa.blogspot.com/ I found the part about the eggs having 1/3 less the amount of cholestorol especially interesting: 

It is now the City of Ottawa's turn to join the movement to change our municipal bylaw and allow us to raise a few hens so we can provide our own source of fresh eggs.
In our backyards, chickens will eat destructive insects, slugs, invasive weeds and table scraps (vegetable matter). Concerns about bird flu are misguided, as bird flu is best avoided by having a spread-out free-run population.

And as egg-producing garden pets, chickens produce far less waste than dogs, and it can be composted into nitrogen-rich fertilizer for your garden. What other pet does that for you on top of daily providing fresh, organic, chemical-free and hormone-free food and then gets up and does it again for you the next day?

Chickens fit perfectly into the strategy of a health-focused food system. Eggs from backyard hens have: one third less cholesterol, two-thirds more vitamin A, three times more vitamin E, seven times more beta carotene and two times more Omega 3 fatty acids.

Everyone should have the right to afford safe and healthy food. To have the choice to make informed decisions about their food and have food security.

Interested in change? Please contact the mayor, the chief of bylaw services and your ward councillor to add your voice to the growing number of people in favour of legalizing backyard chickens.

Supporters can sign the online petition at the website www.ipetitions.com/petition/ottawaurbanchicken.  
There also is a Facebook group called Chickens for Ottawans!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Severe Earthquake Dub...

Curtis found this and was dying on the phone with me just now... we're still talking as I type acually, hi baby!  Anyways I've never heard him laugh like this so I thought I'd spread the joy a little and share the few Mb of hilarity:

Attention! Take 2

The original vid was pulled down, so here it is again, however do yourself a favor and check out the related vids for some awesome earthquake kid spoofs.

Yogging and shiz

So the hubby and I took up joggin last night, well more like Curt went jogging and I weazed my way down the street.  I really thought I was going to be better at it than him and I really thought I was going to do better than I did. However once we started I instantly wanted to stop, but I ended up doing better than I thought I would when we first started out!! lol. Make sense? lol.  I'm happy for Curtis that "it was a joke" and super easy for him!! :S

Anyways it's back to the treadmill for me...Well eventually. Need to recover first! lol

In non jogging related news, I got some disturbing information from Richard about my Camo- truck neighbor John. So I figured he had a little sweet spot for the "little lady that lives across from meh..." (I'm talking about me btw)   But he definately confirmed this when he was talking about me to Richard yesterday saying that now that his wife took his daughter away he really wants that, and points to my window, and Richard was like who? And he's like that one, the one that lives 'raight dare" and Richard says "Lorraine" and he's like "Umm hummm".  Ewwwwwwwww!!

Can't even begin to tell you how disturbing this is. I mean, like I said, in a non conceited way a girl can usually tell when a man has his eye on you, but now he's like announcing it to people and stuff. UGHHHH!!

Does this mean he's going to try and get my attention? I already avoid him like the plague, I can only go outside in my yard if I see his truck is gone, I give no extra attention to his daughter Shyanne because I feel him sizing me up as a potential maternal influence... and by the way I know he spells her name weird! First thing he said to me when he introduced me to his daughter when I first moved in was "this is Cheyenne, it's spelled the way it's sounds, S-H-Y-A-N-N-E."  Who does that? Hi, I'm L-O-R-R-A-I-N-E-#00100010.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Your Daily Finny

Attention Citizen's of California!!!

This hilarious video is going viral!! Curtis showed it to me yesterday and I just saw that it made the Huffington Post this am (thanks Murph!)  It's only a matter of time now before Family Guy picks up on this and has Tricia Takanawa interview "him"!! 

So what makes this video even more hilarious? He's from Curtis' hometown which means I may meet him one day or better yet see him in full newscast action!  They can add him to their growing list of local legends that I always love hearing about and/ or meeting! Such as Moussie, that guy with the all day hot spoons, the other guy with his lunch box, and those two guys Sarah and I asked for directions to Mount-Carmel! :) lol

Friday, June 11, 2010


Curtis got his Kor One Hydration Vessel yesterday and it's as awesome as it looks. Just thought I'd share in case you were thinking of getting one, but weren't sure, it's worth the moolah. It's 29.99 at GNC if you have a membership thingy and since we're such meat-heads we totally have one!! bahhahaha! 

Anyways here's what I'm liking about the bottle:
  • Sleek and pretty design (that's key!)
  • The mouth peice is big enough for ice cubes but not so large that water will come shooting up ur nose.
  • Rubberized bottom so it's slip proof and I assume it won't leave a ring of water on surfaces.
  • 1% of sales go towards important water causes around the world.
I know it sounds pricey, but for some people the bottle would pay for itself in only a month.
And just so were clear, garbage island isn't some tiny little place they decided would be a good spot to leave all our junk... it's actually a mythic sized island made of garbage!! And by mythic I mean Texas. 

But by all means, go get your aquifina or Disani tap water in a non recycle bottle...


This is really incredibible... Curtis sent me this and I honestly thought it was going to be a video about Stern or Artie but it was this and I'm mucho impressed! This is really awesome :) 
I will always consider ants to be little aliens from now on!

My Lunch

Just thought I'd share my yummers lunch with y'all. Don't worry, I'm only eating two of the three baguettes... bahahahahaha carbs shmarbs!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Your Daily Finny

Watchu Waitin For?

Are you lame and still buying water bottles on a daily?  Do I even need to tell you how big garbage island has become? If you've been waiting on the perfect water bottle, ie not metal because it taste's gross and not plastic because of the BPA recall, then check out the Kor One water container.

If you've saw Iron Man 2 then you might have noticed, as Curtis and I did the awesome bottle Tony Stark uses. Curtis found the website and I guess they're pretty proud of their product placement in the movie, as they should be!

Here's their wesite: http://www.korwater.com/
Check out their other cool accessories like blast caps with vita flavah!! nice!

Some other colors, you know I'm gonna get me a pink one!

Happy Birthday Monika!!

Happy Birthday Bella!!

Monika is our resident computer wiz & artiste, chef and Mother Goose :) 

She's had the "pleasure" of holding all of our hair at some point or another and has been getting us home safely from the bars for the last 10 years!
(Ughhh that really ages us!)

She's beautiful, fun, smart and totally married guys! Sorry!!

Hoping you have a great day and an amazing year!

We love ya!
Notable Monika factoid:  She can shoot 5 consecutive shots of Port!

Here it is!

Here's the ad from yesterday's post that I couldn't upload. Thanks to Monika who converted it from something something to something something and now it's tah dah... Here!! I think she also cleaned it up a little too because it was pretty fuzzy when I sent it to her, so thank you for that as well!

Thank god for genius friends, I should actually take a moment and also say thank you for the gorgeous logo above and on the side bar that she created pour moi.  It's also her birthday today so stay tunned for her b-day shout out which is coming up next!

Ok you male model of the year nominees, this ain't no slashee award.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's MerrrMannn

Okay so I wanted to post this hilarious ad my girl Mélina found in the Metro last week and I can't seem to post pdf's... so this sucks because it was the main reason for this post.....UNTIL I went to the website for said ad and found more hilarious pictures. Now the pics in the ad were funny because it there was two guys posing like Zoolander whacktards... this is for the RDI model and talent agency in Ottawa (good luck with all that).

I'm sure they'll run the ad again so keep your eyes peeled, however in the meantime, you can feast your eyes on this timeless example of artisitic photography, AHEM I mean PHOTOSHOP!!  I'm praying this is all done in irony for Zoolander afficionado's but even so, I hate to break it to you, the joke is over, I mean except of course when I quote the movie. (haha see Apartment for Ants post below!!)


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Your Daily Finny


Just thought I'd share that I didn't get the job from the other day. :(  
Oh well, no biggie.... I'm bummed but not devastated.
Curtis came over last night and assuaged me with a McFlurry!! yay thanks Bear!! xo

At least I'll still have time for bloggin'!!

Fingers crossed the new coordinator is nice :S

Ass Kicking President!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Really Boyz?

Wish you guys could hear this right now. The guy who lives downstairs (Michel) from the GS is playing extra loud video games right now to piss her off... and by the sounds of it I'd say he's playing the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.  Apparently he thought it necessary to warn Richard of this tirade but none thought it necessary to warn me, so when I walked the entire perimeter of my apartment looking for the phantom mortorcycle outside my window, I thought it necessary to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

I really think I have to watch Mean Girls with Richard and Michel to show them how you really get rid of an evil dictatorship!! Because this is not the way!  That reminds me, Richard I want MY PINK SHIRT BACK!

Goodnight Bitches! xo

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Mean Girls (Special Collector's Edition)

Eat your NomNoms!!

So someone posted this adorable video of a racoon opening a locked green bin in Westboro. I know I'm partial to these patuties because I find them cuter than any cat I've ever seen, but what's the big deal? He just wants a little grub, more raccoons = more joy right?

Why aren't we domesticating these little angels?  I think they're way smarter than most pets and once declawed and given the same rabbies vaccine our other pets get they'd be perfect little roommates... No?

Just sayin is all...

What is this...An Apartment for Ants?!

Good luck with all that...
It should be at least 3x bigger! 

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Your Daily Finny


Ignore my retarded voice please...
        but do enjoy the vocal stylings of sir Finnegan Brogan MacEachern!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lurving This

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion .34 fl oz (10 ml)

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion .34 fl oz (10 ml)This isn't new or anything but I finally went out and got it and really like the results. If you hate when your shadow creases after a couple of hours, this will help extend that crease-free time for a few extra hours. It also helps the shadow adhere to your lid, so even if you're using some cheapie shadows you'll get more bang for your buck outta of it. 

I got mine in a shadow set called "show pony." I figured it was the best option since the 10ml bottle will cost you $22 at Sephora on it's own, but if you buy the shadow pack with 3.7ml bottle of Primer Potion (lets face it, the big bottle might dry out before you finish it) and also comes with awesome black zero eyeliner.( Urban Decay Ink for Eyes Cream Eyeliner, Zero .09 oz (2.5 g))

It will cost you $36 for the lot and the colors are great and extremely velvety, even sans potion primer.  I'm loving colors: Snatch, Toasted and Smog. The other 3 are just as nice, Mildew (green) Flash (purple) and Pain Killer (turquoise).

  For your Curiousity here's the Urban Decay Show Pony Shadow Box I got:

Urban Decay Show Pony Shadow Box

Friday, June 4, 2010

Shout out

Happy Birthday to one of my besties and former roommate:  Brigitte!!

This lovely lady turns 29 today and joins the rest of us in our
 "last chance 20's" !!
Here's hoping she has an awesome birthday weekend
and an amazing year!

We love ya!! xo

"I lovvvvve Party mix!" ~Brigitte   

Thursday, June 3, 2010


So I just had an interview for I guess it's what you would call a promotion... It's a job at my current job, 2 levels higher and I really think I can do it,  but the question is does HR think I can...
I guess we'll see.

I actually think the whole thing went pretty darn well, so maybe that's what's worrying me? Because whenever I used to think I flunked an exam I'd pass with flying colors, and whenver I thought I'd pass I'd royally flunk! So maybe if I just stay Switzerland on the whole subject I stand a pretty good chance....non? But then I think what about that whole "Secret" sending your message to the universe thing of positive thinking?  Urghhhh it's exhausting... it's actually more exhausting then the actual interview itself. 

My life could change drastically here people! (Being a wee bit dramatic, but that is the theme isn't it?) I'd be way busier than I am now, I'd probably have to give up the blog, or at least during working hours (the horror) and lets face it, between Finnegan, Curtis and Banjo Kazooie, I really don't see how I'm going to squeeze in blogidy time at home... Speaking of 'time' I'd  have to be on time all the time because I'd be the "good example". Like I'm impressed when I'm on time for two consecutive days, I can't imagine weeks, years, and decades of punctuality.  I just don't have that gene that triggers the Oh oh, better get going signals.  Gawd... do I really want this job?

Anyways, I'm just rambling... 

I know I haven't blogged about the GS in some time, but I have a feeling something big is going to go down soon, so I'm waiting for that big fish to really hook you in.  You know like some life alterating shiz... lol 

Just know that you really don't want mess with the Richan... I mean Richard. He tried to buy plant killer to attack GS tomato garden but I wouldn't let him.... spend the money that is!! I told him to find a cheap home remedy instead!!

JK! I told him not to at all...you know I'm practically a saint people!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Your Daily Finny

My Other, Other, Other Boyfriend??

No not Billlll, but Eric, or rather Alexander Skärsguard... and some of you might even know him by his secret name... Sven. lol.  

Shut up!!! lol. 

Lurving These:

One coat is nice, but two is perfect.
The stick inside is flat and one swipe on the side of the bottle leaves the perfect amount of polish for one coat, even the brush is wider so you can basically cover a nail with only 2 strokes... Like getting an Eagle with your polish!! Golf lovers, anyone? No?  Oh well, my mom thinks I'm funny!

What my other boyfriend has to say...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So I just woke up 30 minutes ago, @ 1:40pm!! I haven't done that since my EARLY twenties!! I also went to bed at 12am so this  means I slept 14hrs.  Whatever, I'm sure I needed it from the lack of sleep I had the night before.  Oh that's right, I didn't post anything about my morning yesterday...  Woke up at 6am thinking it was noon. So I panicked and got up, then decided to check my phone for the time and saw that it was insanely early but couldn't get back to sleep for the life of me.  I figured why not take advantage of this weird phenomena and get ready.  I straightened my hair, airbrushed my face and packed a lunch and was at work 30 minutes early, and my boss is on vacation.... womp wooomp.

I did notice a slight burning smell when I woke up, but when I left the house it was really obvious, and if you live in Ottawa then I'm sure you noticed the smog and smoke smell from the forest fires somewhere. I'd tell you where I think they're coming from, but people keep telling me I'm wrong, that they're coming from Mason, nope, Val des Monts, actually, the Laurentians, wrong again it's Trois Rivieres.... Ahhh whatever, wherever the smoke is coming from it sucks and it's making me smell like summer camp.

Hmmmm what else is new, Oh! Did anyone ever watch The Wonder Years episode where Kevin has a monster zit and he can't get rid of it no matter how hard he tries?  Well that's me last night and this morning.  If anyone remembers my monster zit from me and Brigie's house warming party a fwe years back than you know the monstrosity I'm dealing with here. It has it's own heart beat and I'm positive that's how I got my headache making me miss work. (Oh noooooooo!!)  

I'm way to vain to post any pictures, but it looks more like I got punched in the forehead than a zit and it actually is blue from the blue eyedrops I put on it to get rid of the redness.... which didn't work. Currently it's sitting pretty under a layer of toothpaste. I'd say a never fail cure, but I slept with some last night and here we still are... as one.   

Anyways my clear skinned nemesi, enjoy your afternoon....