Okay, neither am I!! But I can't wait to own my own land and get me a super awesome chicken coop like the ones below.
I know this seems like another one of "Lorraine's crazy antics" but owning your own farm fresh eggs and meat is the farthest thing from crazy. It's probably the sanest thing I've ever suggested ;)
Here's some info I stole directly from Ottawa's chapter of the CLUCK association http://cluckottawa.blogspot.com/ I found the part about the eggs having 1/3 less the amount of cholestorol especially interesting:
It is now the City of Ottawa's turn to join the movement to change our municipal bylaw and allow us to raise a few hens so we can provide our own source of fresh eggs.

And as egg-producing garden pets, chickens produce far less waste than dogs, and it can be composted into nitrogen-rich fertilizer for your garden. What other pet does that for you on top of daily providing fresh, organic, chemical-free and hormone-free food and then gets up and does it again for you the next day?
Chickens fit perfectly into the strategy of a health-focused food system. Eggs from backyard hens have: one third less cholesterol, two-thirds more vitamin A, three times more vitamin E, seven times more beta carotene and two times more Omega 3 fatty acids.
Interested in change? Please contact the mayor, the chief of bylaw services and your ward councillor to add your voice to the growing number of people in favour of legalizing backyard chickens.
Supporters can sign the online petition at the website www.ipetitions.com/petition/ottawaurbanchicken.
There also is a Facebook group called Chickens for Ottawans!!
i'm totally on board. i heard about this like 2 yrs ago and its an amazing initiative. i want a chicken farm.
Why do i feel llke a Llama will also be part of LMBD Farms.....