Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dinner Dilema

I seriously have nothing interesting to say so I won't bore you for too long, but I have to keep my stats up! Why? Because I'm a big nerd who loves to crunch those numbers!  just kidding, well excpet for the nerd part. 

 I'm literally sitting at my desk wondering what I'm going to cook for Curtis and me tonight.  I was super gung ho about cooking and then lost it...I currently have no appetite and I went looking online for inspiration and found nada...  I'm also trying to think of things that won't heat up my kitchen too much since this is the first night in what feels like forever that my apartment will be 'bearable'.  All I've come up with so far is salad, and as you know, you don't make friends with salad, or husbands either I suspect.

So if you read this in the next 15 minutes and you can think of something delish and easy... please comment, because cereal is starting to sound real good right about now!

1 comment:

Come on!!!! Say something!!