Thursday, May 20, 2010

I ♥ Ocean ≈

Don't know if everyone has been keeping abreast of this situation all?  I have to admit that I find it so depressing that I try to avoid it completely. However, my better half Curtis thankfully keeps me updated and brings me back to the reality that just because it's unpleasant doesn't mean it's not happening.

I just had an hour and half green committee meeting at work, and I realized afterwards that none of us even mentioned this oil spill. Not that I expect us to have some kind of objective or goal to helping out right now, but I just thought how odd that like minded people didn't even discuss it at all.  I'm chalking it up to everyone probably feeling how I am, overwhelmed and defeated. What can we do really but wait and see what the damage is?  While the politicians do whatever it is their doing or not doing I thought I'd at the least try to find some video's and post updates, and by me finding stuff I mean whatever Curtis sends me ;)

I did actually find this vid myself though.... So point1 for me, and -10billion pts BP.

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